Previous Updates…
On behalf of the committee, we are delighted to invite you and your partner to this years “Christmas Party” to be held at The Udder on Friday 3rd January.
The party will include a three-course meal (unless you opt for just two courses), club presentations and live music from Pressgang (starring our very own Steve Fowles).
Please respond by clicking the following link which also includes a copy of the menu and your food choices:
Responses are needed asap but no later than by Saturday 14th December – please reply early to avoid disappointment.
Once completed, please don’t forget to pay promptly using the information provided on the last page in the link. And please give XMAS and your SURNAME as a reference.
Don’t forget to select – receive a copy of your responses by email for your own record. And don’t worry, if you change your mind your response can be edited up to the deadline.
The price of the Christmas menu is discounted and subsidised by your club, so that you will only pay £23 for 2 courses or £30 for 3 courses. And as an added treat coffee/tea and petit fours are also included.
In addition to the above, The Stur Half is very kindly sponsoring a welcome drink to thank members and their partners for their hard work and support in putting on this popular race.
Dress code is formal or smart, so party frocks, black tie, suits, no casual or jeans.
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Annual General Meeting – FOOD
Food at the AGM will be a choice of Fish & Chips and a pint @ £15 or Burger and a pint @ £15.
There is a choice of burgers as set out in the listing below.
The “pint” can be beer, cider, lager or a soft drink.
Please get your food order in by Tuesday 26th by email: [email protected].

The Christmas Party Invitations will be sent out in the next few days. It will include a link to a questionnaire to be completed, including your food order.
Responses are needed by Sunday 15th December, so please reply promptly to avoid disappointment.
The price of the Christmas menu is discounted and subsidised by your club, so that you will only pay £23 for 2 courses or £30 for 3 courses. And as an added treat coffee or tea and petit fours are also included.
In addition to the above, The Stur Half will be very kindly sponsoring a welcome drink to thank members and their partners for their hard work and support in putting on this popular race.
If you can help organise the Christmas Party, please let me or any member of committee know. The venue and the band are booked, we just need someone to do the final admin bits and to add a touch of sparkle to the event.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
The Club Annual General Meeting
As members you are all invited to the club AGM to be held Thursday 28th November after club training at the White Hart, Market Cross in Sturminster Newton.
We look forward to you all attending, listening to the various annual reports, and helping us to make decisions about taking the club forward to 2025 and beyond! And of course, how you would like to get involved. If you fancy taking on a role or even joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. It’s your club, please take your turn in helping to run it.
Please find attached your invitation to the AGM together with a list of “Committee Roles”, Race Directors” and “Members with Club Roles”. As you will see a number of these roles are becoming vacant and we need you to either volunteer or to nominate someone who would like to fill the role. If you are nominating someone, please don’t forget to get their permission.
The committee / club roles are an excellent way for you to become more involved in what happens behind the scenes. Some of the roles require very little work, whilst others require more commitment. Regardless of how long you have been with the club if you have something to offer then we would love to hear from you.
If you fancy taking on a role or joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. It’s your club, please feel free to stand for any of the roles, either to replace or to assist the current person in role. If you’d like to stand, please let me know in advance (preferable) or put your hand up at the meeting.
In addition, there is plenty of opportunity to get involved in organising any of the races, each race director needs a race committee to work together as a team. Please could everyone consider whether they might be able to help any of the race directors – it’s certainly a very rewarding experience and without your help these races just won’t happen.
As an aside please could all race directors and other members with roles note that if there is anything you would like to discuss at committee you are more than welcome to come along, please contact the club secretary to get the date of the next meeting. Race directors should certainly be coming to committee in the lead up to their race.
The Stickler
Once again, the Stickler held on Sunday 27th October, proved to be a very popular and well enjoyed race. We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and on behalf of the committee, we would like to offer a huge thank you to Lucy and everyone who helped organised this race in whatever capacity, for all your hard work and enthusiasm.
Club Trophies
If you were placed in a club championship last year it will soon be time to dust off your trophies and return them to me. Please get them to me by Thursday 12th December at the very latest – in time for the presentations at the Christmas Party. Please bring them along to the Stur 5 on the 5th of December, if you’ve not already given them to me before.
Shaftesbury Training on Tuesday evenings
This session comprises a set route up and down a variety of hills in Shaftesbury. The session is suitable for all, you can come along and do as little or as much as you like. We start and finish each hill as a group, and no one is ever left behind. Come along and give it a go!
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:45 for a 18:50 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FaceBook each week, so please comment on FaceBook or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Sunrise Sessions
As a Dorset Doddler member you are welcome to attend the North Dorset Triathlon Club winter Sunrise Training sessions as an occasional alternative to Shaftesbury Hills.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start, these coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Christmas Cracker
This year the Christmas Cracker training session will take place on Thursday 19th December and will be led by Ian Pollard. It will be a full training session, improving your fitness and technique ready for the New Years racing calendar. If you should so wish, please feel free to don your favourite Christmas running attire and join us with a festive cheer.

The club “Christmas party” will be held on Friday 3rd January at Udder Farm in East Stour. This promises to be a fantastic event with a 2 or 3 course sit-down meal, and live music from the ska band, Press Gang. Club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn.
More details to follow but invitations will be going out shortly. As in previous years you will be sent an email containing a link to give your response and menu choices.
If you can help organise the Christmas Party, please let me or any member of committee know. The venue and the band are booked, we just need someone to do the final admin bits and to add a touch of sparkle to the event.
London Marathon – draw for club place
Once again, we have been allocated 1 place for the London Marathon to be held on 27th April 2025 and will be drawing the place from a hat at the Christmas party. For those of you who wish to enter the draw you will need to be a fully paid up first claim affiliated member of Dorset Doddlers in both 2023/2024 and 2024/25 (paid by 1 April 2024), you also need to have entered the ballot and have been rejected. New members will earn this benefit next year.
If you meet the above criteria, please forward your rejection email to Paul Russell via [email protected], no later than Monday 23rd December. Your name will then be checked against the criteria and our membership records at EA.
Once again, it’s possible to get your name in the hat multiple times for helping at club events, turning up to training, organising a summer run, amongst many other things. As I’m sure you’ve all seen on Facebook Paul is keeping careful records of points earned and will be awarding one additional name in the hat for every 10 points earned. Good Luck all rejectees!
The Full MontyCute 10
If you have entered The Full MontyCute 10 trail race (race now full) and would like to join us for lunch at 1pm at The Prince of Wales, please let me know so that I can let them know final numbers.
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec. There are bunny trophies, medals and x-miles vouchers up for grabs for both the top 3 for men and ladies. And the podium places will be decided at these last 2 races, it’s all to play for.
For all these dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Fastest 5k and fastest marathon
Please remember to let Ian Barnes have your fastest 5k time and your fastest marathon time. The 5k time must be either in a 5k race or an official Parkrun time, no segments from longer races. Could everyone who has run a 5k and/or a marathon this year, please check the listing in the results section of the Dorset Doddler website (last section/page of the “Club Championship 2024 races” link) and let Ian know if your time is not correct. For new members this must be from whilst you were a member, so from the date you joined.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is also Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and the last DRRL of the year is Boscombe 10k on 24 Nov.
Fixtures for 2025 have also been announced so please put these races in your diaries and get your racing year planned out.
>>>>>>01 Jan>>>>>>>>>>>>>Broadstone Quarter – entries
>>>>>>09 Feb>>>>>>>>>>>>Lytchett 10 – DCC – entries
>>>>>>13-Apr (date tbc)>>>>Marnhull 12k
>>>>>>04-May>>>>>>>>>>>>NDVM – DCC
>>>>>>18 May (date tbc)>>>>May 5
>>>>>>08 Jun>>>>>>>>>>>>>Puddletown Plod
>>>>>>13 Jun (eve)>>>>>>>>>Purbeck 10K
>>>>>>06 Jul (date tbc)>>>>>>Round the Rock 10k
>>>>>>04 Aug>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sturminster Half – DCC
>>>>>>12-Oct (date tbc)>>>>>Weymouth 10
>>>>>>16-Nov>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wimborne 10 – DCC
>>>>>>23-Nov>>>>>>>>>>>>>Boscombe 10K
If you are registered with Parkrun, please make sure that you are in the Parkrun Dorset Doddler Group so that we can find your results. If you go to your Parkrun profile, then select groups, you will be able to add Doddlers there.
Club Equipment
As many of you know Peter Waterer looks after our race equipment, signs, water tables and whatever else he keeps in that trailer. Please could any found arrows or other signs be returned to him, via training if more convenient.
Also, if you are organising a club event, either an internal Sunday run, or as a race director, please be mindful that Pete has everything in that trailer, so before buying anything on behalf of the club, please contact Peter first. This includes a stock of bottled water, cups and other sundries.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 5th December at 8:45pm after the Stur 5 internal club race. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Dear all

Just a quick announcement regarding a change of date for the club Christmas Party. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the committee are very sorry to say we have had to move the Christmas Party to a later date, so much so you might be tempted to call it a New Years Party.
The date for the Doddler Christmas / New Years Party will be Friday 3rd January 2025.
The venue is still Udder Farm Park, the same venue as our very much enjoyed Summer Party.
This promises to be a fantastic event with a sit-down meal, live music, the very eagerly awaited Club Championship presentations, and if the excitement wasn’t enough, we will also be drawing the club place for the London Marathon.
If you can help organise the Christmas Party, please let me or any member of committee know. The venue and the band are booked, we just need someone to do the final admin bits and to add a touch of sparkle to the event.
Keep running and look after each other!
Dark Stickler
The committee are organising a club social run around our beloved Stickler route on Friday 18th October. All welcome. Meet at the Trailway Car Park at the junction between the A357 and Bere Marsh (Haywards Lane) near Shillingstone at 6:30pm for a prompt 6:45pm start.
This run is dubbed Dorset 3 Peaks Challenge for fairly obvious reasons, given there are 3 Peaks, all presenting their own challenge to those brave enough to take them on. The plan is to do the Club Champs version of the route, although the faster group may decide to visit the Beacon atop of Okeford Hill. GPX of the route: Garmin and OS Maps.
It will be dark so please carry a head torch. If the skies are clear we will benefit from a 98% “Waning Gibbous” moon – the infamous “October Hunter’s Moon”.
Please wear bright or reflective kit as there’s a short section along a narrow road near Hanford school and the A357 crossing at Durweston.
As this is a club social run, we will make every attempt to stay in social running groups, much like Summer Runs. However, it is entirely your responsibility to navigate yourself around the route and to stay within your group. If you are unsure of the route, please either download the gpx file onto your watch or phone.
The Club Annual General Meeting
As members you are all invited to the club AGM. As always, the AGM will be held on the last Thursday of November after club training, that is Thursday 28th November. Venue to be confirmed, but for a change, hopefully at the White Hart, Market Cross in Sturminster Newton.
We look forward to you all attending, to discuss how the club has fared over the past year and to make plans for the year ahead. And of course, how you would like to get involved. If you fancy taking on a role or even joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. It’s your club, please take your turn in helping to run it.
See the attached list of roles and who currently does them.
So put the date in your diary and look out for more details over the next few weeks.
The Stickler
As I am sure you are all aware, the next race we are organising is the fantastic Stickler on Sunday 27th October. Now in its 29th year the Stickler is a 10.1-mile trail race with over 1,500ft of climb, dubbed Dorset 3 Peaks.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help put on this race, you are all much appreciated. If you (or your family or friends) can help in any capacity and haven’t yet volunteered, please contact the race director: Lucy Brown (email: [email protected]), or Ian Pollard if you would like to help with the carparking. Also please see Lucy’s posts on Facebook requesting help to set up and put signage out on the Saturday.
If you fancy being race director for this popular race in 2025, please let either Lucy or any member of the committee know. On behalf of the committee, we would like to offer a huge thank you to Lucy for all her hard work and enthusiasm in fulfilling this role to date.
Shaftesbury Training on Tuesday evenings
If you haven’t done these sessions before, we focus on a set route which may include a hill (or seven). The sessions are suitable for all, you can come along and do as little or as much as you like. We start and finish each hill as a group, and no one is ever left behind. Come along and give it a go!
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:45 for a 18:50 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start, these coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.

The club Christmas party will be held on Saturday 14th December at Udder Farm in East Stour. This promises to be a fantastic event with a sit-down meal, and live music from the ska band, Press Gang. Club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn.
If you can help organise the Christmas Party, please let me or any member of committee know. The venue and the band are booked, we just need someone to do the final admin bits and to add a touch of sparkle to the event.
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec. Ian Barnes will soon be considering races to be included in the 2025 Club Championships so if you have any suggestions for him, please let him know.
For all these dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is also Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and the last DRRL of the year is Boscombe 10k on 24 Nov.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th November at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – September
Congratulations to everyone who has represented the club at various races this month. We had a fantastic turnout at The Beast on 1st Sept with John Walsgrove finishing 1st MV60+, Ian Barnes was 3rd and Nick Brooke was 5th in the same age category. And then another good turnout at Black Hill 10k, with Ian Barnes achieving 2nd in his age category. Meanwhile Dave Cox participated in Dragon’s Back Race, one of the toughest mountain races in the world, completing 185km in 57 hours over 6 days, an incredible achievement.
Full results will be updated in the results section of the club website in due course.
The Stickler
As I am sure you are all aware, the next race we are organising is the fantastic Stickler on Sunday 27th October. Now in its 29th year the Stickler is a 10.1-mile trail race with over 1,500ft of climb, dubbed Dorset 3-Peaks.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help put on this race, you are all much appreciated. If you (or your family or friends) can help in any capacity, please contact the race director: Lucy Brown (email: [email protected]), or Ian Pollard if you would like to help with the carparking. Also please see Lucy’s posts on Facebook requesting help to set up and put signage out on the Saturday.
If you fancy being race director for this popular race in 2025, please let either Lucy or any member of the committee know. On behalf of the committee, we would like to offer a huge thank you to Lucy for all her hard work and enthusiasm in fulfilling this role to date.

Summer Runs
The final summer run for the year will be on Tuesday 1st October meeting at the Fiddleford Manor car park, Calf Lane. Start time is 6pm.
Lynda has booked a table at The Fiddleford Inn for 7:30pm. Can you please pre order your food at the pub before we set off. Can you let Lynda know if you are going to eat by Sunday evening at 6pm. Email her at [email protected]. We hope to see another good turnout.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Shaftesbury Training on Tuesday evenings
Following the final Summer Run, Shaftesbury Hills will restart the following week, provisionally Tues 8th Oct (tbc). This is a very versatile session that can be adapted to your own speed and level of fitness.
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on Facebook each week, so please comment on Facebook or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Studland Stampede on 6th Oct, followed by Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec. Ian Barnes will soon be considering races to be included in the 2025 Club Championships so if you have any suggestions for him to consider, please let him know.
For all these dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is Round the Lakes on the 29th Sept – a fast flat 10k around Poole Park, followed by Weymouth 10 on 13 Oct, Wimborne 10 on 17 Nov and the last DRRL of the year is Boscombe 10k on 24 Nov.
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign.
Dorset Road Race League – Shirt Rules
Just a reminder, or to alert new members, that if running in a DRRL race to score for the Doddlers you must be wearing one of our blue club T-shirts/vests. Any other shirt (including the club white one) your personal result will of course stand in the race itself, but only the blue one will earn us points in the DRRL standings. If you need a shirt, you can buy one via David Hurst.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start, these coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.

The club Christmas party will be held on Saturday 14th December at Udder Farm in East Stour. This promises to be a fantastic event with a sit-down meal, and live music from Press Gang (they’re sure to get you up dancing). Club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 3rd October at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, or take over as Chairman, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 15th July
Congratulations to everyone who has represented the club at various races this month. We had a good turnout at Round the Rock 10k in Portland, with Gary Blaber and Ian Barnes achieving 3rd in each of their respective age categories. Dave Jackson continues his marathon crusade this time at Ice Cream Challenge in Exmouth.
Full results will be updated in the results section of the club website in due course.
Doddler Duathlon – Thursday 18th July
Come along and join us for our annual club Doddler Duathlon on Thursday evening in place of training.
Run – Ride – Run. Enter as an individual or as a team. If you are interested in taking part, please comment on the Facebook event. The venue is at Sturfit in Sturminster Newton, arrive in good time to “rack your bike” (lean it against the fence) for a 7pm start. And please join us after the event for a social at The White Horse, Hinton St Mary.
First Run | 0.54 miles | OS Maps | Garmin |
Bike – road bike | 9.4 miles | OS Maps | Garmin |
Bike – short bike | 7.75 miles | OS Maps | Garmin |
Second Run | 2 miles | OS Maps | Garmin |
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website.
The Stickler – Club Internal Race
As previously announced we are organising an internal club race around our beloved Stickler route on Sunday 21st July. This race will count towards our Club Champs (to replace the cancelled Larmer Tree 10). We will gather at the Church Centre in Shillingstone before the race, and walk together to the start location, for a 10am start. The finish will be on the trailway on the approach to the train station, a short walk back to the Church Centre.
As this is an internal club race, navigation around the route is entirely your responsibility. We will have scant marking and just a few essential marshals to direct you. Hopefully those of you who were unsure of the route, took the opportunity to join Nick Summons yesterday at our club social recce of the route. If you are still unsure of the route, please either download the gpx file on to your watch, or preferably get out to recce the route yourself.
These are links to the route Garmin, OS maps. And for the more traditional runner I attach a copy of an actual map with the route marked.
You will note that the route is slightly different vs the Stickler official race route to simplify navigation and avoid potential bottlenecks.
- At the top of the Stickler Hill, continue straight up to the Wessex Ridgeway and turn left to rejoin the route, (missing the bike park and the loop out to Okeford Hill Beacon).
- In Stourpaine, follow the trailway to the church, (avoiding a short section of narrow overgrown footpath).
- Descent off Hambledon Hill – follow the actual Stickler route by turning right through a gate (do not descend directly down the steep hill to the road).
- Finish on the trailway adjacent to the usual Stickler race platform finish. And please be mindful of other users of the trailway, especially around the station.

Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is Stur Half on Sunday 4th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshaling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
Couch 2 5k final day
Our Jun-24 C25k group will complete their course at Blandford Parkrun on Saturday 10th August, please pop along to provide support if you’re about, they will really appreciate lots of smiling faces.
Summer Camp in Pembrokeshire
Summer camp is at Trehenlliw Farm in St Davids, Pembrokeshire, 10th – 12th August, but feel free to stay longer. St David’s is the smallest cathedral city in the UK and has many tourist attractions both in the city itself and the wider appeal of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
If you’d like to camp, please book directly via the campsite website. It’s a small and fairly basic campsite but with great views and a relaxed atmosphere. Other options for staying are available, including the very local Premier Inn, and hotels and B&B’s in St Davids. Please also let me know (email or PM) if you intend to come and more importantly if you are interested in Coasteering on Sat 10th and/or Kayaking on Sun 11th with other Doddlers. These activities are with my brother at The Real Adventure Company – check out details of activities if interested. He does get booked up in August so let me know if interested so I can confirm numbers.
Other Doddler group activities include running or walking along the coast path, surfing, and a BBQ (either on the beach or at the farm depending on weather). Well behaved dogs are allowed on the campsite, but as this is a sheep farm, dogs must be kept under control at all times and can not be left on the site alone. Well behaved children and families are also very welcome, with Whitesands beach just over a mile from the campsite – a great beach with lifeguards, café, surf board hire, and plenty of other coastal activities available, including brilliant boat trips including around Ramsay Island, or out to the gannet colony at Grassholm.
Club Championship Races
As mentioned above, the next Club Champs race is an internal running of The Stickler on Sunday 21st July, followed by The Beast on 1st Sept, Studland Stampede on 6th Oct, Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec.
For all these dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next league race is our very own Stur Half on 4th August. Although we would like as many Doddlers as possible to help organise this race, we are still hoping to have a full team representing the club in the DRRL league. If you are running the race, please offer up your friends and family to help out on the day or get involved in setting up the race venue the day before.
Following Stur Half the next DRRL fixture is Round the Lakes on the 29th Sept – a fast flat 10k around Poole Park.
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign.
Yeovil track open/taster session
On Friday 19th July at 6:15pm Yeovil Town Road Running Club are having an ‘open’ evening at the athletics track ( Bill Whistlecroft Athletics track Pickett Lane, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 3DS). There will be no charge for this evening. They have fully qualified English Athletics approved coaches. This evening will cater for all levels, from couch to 5k to sub 3hr marathon runners. The interval session will last approx. 45mins. So, why not go along and give it a go.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Following the club duathlon this week, club training will be back the following week, meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 8th August at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, or take over as Chairman, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 16th June
Dear all
Congratulations to everyone who has represented the club at various races this month. We had a good turnout at Tarrant Valley 10k, with 19 Doddlers enjoying the gorgeous sunshine, and it was great to see the wonderful Nick Brooke back on the team.
Full results will be updated in the results section of the club website in due course.
John Deacon Handicap
Taking place on Thurs 27th June in place of training, this race is one of our most popular club events, organised by the even more popular Paul Russell. Runners set off according to their recent pace/timings so that the slowest members set off first. If everyone runs according to their pace, everyone should cross the finish line together. In reality, this rarely happens although one year, 10 runners crossed the finish line within 2 seconds!
The race starts 7pm, from the top of the avenue of trees near The White Horse, Hinton St Mary. And the best bit – we have a prize giving and club social afterwards at the White Horse. More details are on the Facebook Race Events page.
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including John Deacon Handicap (27 June) and Club Duathlon (18 July).
The Stickler – Club Internal Race
We are very excited to confirm that we will be organising an internal club race around our beloved Stickler route on Sunday 21st July. This race will count towards our Club Champs (to replace the cancelled Larmer Tree 10). We will gather at the Church Center in Shillingstone before the race, and walk together to the start location, for a 10am start. The finish will be on the trailway on the approach to the train station, a short walk back to the Church Center.
This race is dubbed Dorset 3 Peaks Challenge for fairly obvious reasons, given there are 3-Peaks, all presenting their own challenge to those silly brave enough to take them on.
As this is an internal club race, navigation around the route is entirely your responsibility. We will have scant marking and a few essential marshals to direct you. If you are unsure of the route, please either download the gpx file on to your watch or phone, or preferably get out to recce the route. Nick Summons has kindly said that he will organise a club social recce around the route, so please keep an eye on the Doddler Facebook page for details.
These are links to the route Garmin. OS maps. And for the more traditional runner I attach a copy of an actual map with the route marked.

Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is Stur Half on Sunday 4th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
The 2024 club Christmas party will be held at the award-winning Udder Farm Restaurant on Saturday 14th December. This promises to be a fantastic event with a top-quality sit-down meal, live music from the amazing Quinn’s Quinney, club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn. Once again, the committee have decided to subsidise the cost of the meal as a thank you for being such brilliant members. More details to follow but get the date in your diaries and save the date.
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs races are Round The Rock 10k on 7th July, an internal running of The Stickler on Sunday 21st July, The Beast on 1st Sept, Studland Stampede on 6th Oct, Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec.
For all these dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next league race is Round The Rock 10k on 7th July, followed by our very own Stur Half on 4th August. Although we would like as many Doddlers as possible to help organise this race, we are still hoping to have a full team representing the club in the DRRL league. If you are running the race, please offer up your friends and family to help out on the day or get involved in setting up the race venue the day before.
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 4th July at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, or take over as Chairman, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
A big congratulations to everyone involved in putting on the NDVM on Sunday, some fantastic feedback and happy runners. And well done to everyone who represented the club both in the full marathon and in the relay. Great performances from Steve Rigby (2:55:18) and Ian Barnes (3:30:20 PB, GFA qualifying time), and fantastic efforts from Andrew Tuffin (4:00:14) and Tim Cotton (4:13:51).
Full results will be updated in the results section of the club website in due course.
Suzie Viv Hill Race
Our next internal club race is organised by Spencer Mogridge, from Okeford Fitzpaine on Thursday 23rd May in place of training. The race starts 7.15pm, allowing time for some runners to run from the Leisure Centre to Okeford. There are shields to the fastest male and female. The route is a handicapped on pace start up Okeford Hill followed by a mass start back down – great fun but get some practice in to hone your running down-hill technique. It would be great to see lots of you this year!
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including John Deacon Handicap (20 June) and Club Duathlon (18 July).
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Hardy Half on 12th May. Followed by Tarrant Valley 10k on 2nd June, Round The Rock 10k on 7th July, an internal running of The Stickler on Sunday 21st July, The Beast on 1st Sept, Studland Stampede on 6th Oct, Wimborne 10 on 17th Nov and Stur-5 on 5th Dec.
For all the dates, please see the Club Champs section of the club website.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next league race is May 5 on 19th May. May 5 clashes with Wessex Ridgeway Relay but hopefully we’ll see good attendance at both. Followed by Purbeck 10k on 14th June at 7:30pm (a lovely summer evening race with social afterwards).
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign.
Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is Stur Half on Sunday 4th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
Club Membership for 2024
Thank you to all those who have renewed your membership by the deadline of 31st March 2024, much appreciated. For those who missed this deadline, please renew as soon as possible. From 1st April the new rate has taken effect at £30 for affiliation or £20 to be an unaffiliated member.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please use the reference: Membership NAME on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
And when you renew your membership, please could all members tick the relevant box to confirm you comply with the new Athlete Code of Conduct within your EA portal. This will appear automatically stating “All registered athletes must sign up to the Athletes Code of Conduct via the ‘CODES OF CONDUCT & LICENCING’ page in your myAthletes profile”.
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 6th June at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, or take over as Chairman, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 21st April
A big well done to everyone who represented the club at the London marathon today, some fantastic times with several marathon PB’s being achieved in the big city. Molly Rasch – 2:52:10 (first marathon), Chris Wright – 2:53:52, Stuart Martin – 3:31:43, Dave Jackson – 3:52:00, Siobhan Mcfeely – 3:57:09, Nick Summons – 4:25:26, Manda Ackroyd – 4:38:30. Well done all, impressive.
Full results will be updated in the results section of the club website in due course.

Following the success of our summer party, the committee is very excited to announce that the 2024 club Christmas party will be held at the award-winning Udder Farm Restaurant on Saturday 14th December. This promises to be a fantastic event with a top-quality sit-down meal, live music, club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn. Once again, the committee have decided to subsidise the cost of the meal as a thank you for being such brilliant members. More details to follow but get the date in your diaries and save the date.

Club Membership for 2024
Thank you to all those who have renewed your membership by the deadline of 31st March 2024, much appreciated. For those who missed this deadline, there is a secondary deadline at English Athletics – in order to maintain your affiliated membership, you will need to pay up no later than 30th April.
From 1st April the new rate has taken effect at £30 for affiliation or £20 to be an unaffiliated member.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please use the reference: Membership NAME on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
And when you renew your membership, please could all members tick the relevant box to confirm you comply with the new Athlete Code of Conduct within your EA portal. This will appear automatically stating “All registered athletes must sign up to the Athletes Code of Conduct via the ‘CODES OF CONDUCT & LICENCING’ page in your myAthletes profile”.
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Broad Oak Hilly
Don’t forget we have this internal club race on Thursday 25th April at 6:45pm from the Bull Tavern in Sturminster Newton. The route is an out and back with the turn point at the bottom of the hill. See the club event on Facebook for more details.
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including Suzy Vivian Hill Climb (23rd May), John Deacon Handicap (20 June) and Club Duathlon (18 July).
North Dorset Village Marathon & Relay
As previously mentioned, our next club organised race is a real showcase of what Dorset Doddlers are capable of, both in terms of putting on a great spring marathon and in our team spirit in supporting each other, either running in a team or as an individual in the full marathon. Whilst we do encourage members to take part in this race, we also rely on you to help, either as marshals or manning the water stations, but also at race HQ, setting up before the race and working as a team to make light work of clearing away at the end of the day. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Marshalling is great fun, a really inspiring experience.
Summer Runs
Summer runs are well underway with great turnouts at our first few runs. The next run, on Tues 23rd April is from Fiddleford, meeting in Fiddleford Mill car park at 6:30 for a 6:45 run start. For more information of this and future dates, please see the Summer runs section of the club website.
Post run food is at The Fiddleford Inn, and if you would like to eat, please email your food order by Monday lunchtime to [email protected].
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Broad Oak Hilly, our very own internal club race on Thurs 25th April in place of training, and then Hardy Half on 12th May.
Please note that as Larmer Tree 10 was cancelled, we are planning an internal running of The Stickler to replace this Club Champs race. The very provisional date for this is Sunday 21st July at 10am.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next league race is NDVM on 5th May and then May 5 on 19th May. May 5 clashes with Wessex Ridgeway Relay but hopefully we’ll see good attendance at both. Although, you will need to run later legs in the relay if you would like to do both.
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back). For more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 2nd May at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 7th March
A big well done to everyone who has been out representing the club at races recently and to those who are training diligently for their spring marathon, whether it be London, NDVM, Manchester or any other early marathon. Marathons are a big undertaking, and impressive, however many you already have under your belt. As I’m sure your club coaches will tell you, don’t forget to taper so that you are fresh on the big day.
To keep up to date will all recent results, please visit the Main Results section of the club website.
Club Membership for 2024
Club membership renewals are due by 31st March 2024.
Once again, this year we have an offer to save members money – if you pay your membership by 31st March, you can access the previous year’s rate of £28 for affiliated or £18 for unaffiliated members.
From 1st April onwards the new rate will take effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £20 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
Benefits include EA discounts (see My Athletics EA portal) as well as £2 off races for affiliated runners, free entry to races as part of a DD team, internal club races, structured training by qualified coaches, together with all the social aspects of being part of a friendly and supportive club.
In addition, you will need to pay your club renewal fees by 31st March to qualify to be entered into the draw for our club place at the London Marathon 2025.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please use the reference: Membership NAME on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
And when you renew your membership, please could all members tick the relevant box to confirm you comply with the new Athlete Code of Conduct within your EA portal. This will appear automatically stating “All registered athletes must sign up to the Athletes Code of Conduct via the ‘CODES OF CONDUCT & LICENCING’ page in your myAthletes profile”.
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
North Dorset Village Marathon & Relay
Our next club organised race is a real showcase of what Dorset Doddlers are capable of, both in terms of putting on a great spring marathon and in our team spirit in supporting each other, either running in a team or as an individual in the full marathon. Whilst we do encourage members to take part in this race, we also rely on you to help out either as marshals or manning the water stations, but also helping out at race HQ, setting up before the race and working as a team to make light work of clearing away at the end of the day. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Marshalling is great fun, a really positive experience.
We are putting up 3 Doddler teams at NDVM Relay, if you would like to run for your club on one of these teams, please let our esteemed team captain, Ian Barnes or any other member of committee know.
Wessex Ridgeway Relay 2024
For those of you who are new to the club, this is a relay race with 12 legs ranging between 4 and 8 miles. We start at 7.30am in Tollard Royal and finish in Uplyme. Teams of up to 6 runners. What makes it even better is if we have a team made up of fully paid-up Dorset Doddlers, entry is free!
If you’d like to find out more have a look on the race website.
If you would like to captain a team, or if you would like to join a team, please contact Paul Russell, either in person or comment on his facebook post.
Summer Runs
This weekend we spring into Day Light Saving which means it’s time for our first “Summer” run on Tuesday 2nd April from the Cricketers in Shroton. Lynda has asked for everyone to meet at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start, and the route will be an out and back run, so that we don’t get caught out in the dark.
We can pre order food before the run on the night. But could you let Lynda know if you are thinking of eating so that she can give the pub rough numbers.
At future Summer Runs, if pre-orders are needed before the run, please send your orders to [email protected]. Details will be posted to our club Facebook page and on the club website.
Please can people volunteer to organise some runs in April and May. The basis for these runs is to show off your very favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trail, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is Broad Oak Hilly, our very own internal club race on Thurs 25th April in place of training. And following this is Marnhull 12k on 21st April and then Hardy Half on 12th May.
Please note that as Larmer Tree 10 was cancelled, we are planning an internal running of The Stickler to replace this Club Champs race. The very provisional date for this is Sunday 21st July, but tbc. We plan to have a club social of some description to follow, so put the date in your diary.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website so please put these races in your diary and support your club in our DRRL campaign. You might think only faster runners are needed, but this really is a team league where every runner can contribute to the teams overall score. Even if you’re not going to score in the top 3 at a race, you run can still contribute to the team’s overall position by staying ahead of the third or fourth scoring runner for another club – you could make all the difference from the back of the pack. It’s also good fun and great to be part of the Doddler team at any race.
Club kit – white reflective training tops
If you would like to stay safe and sport one of our new stylish white reflective training tops, please get your order to Dave Hurst by the end of March. These tops are the reverse of our official club colours with a blue logo on a white t-shirt, perfect for training and for our internal club races.
You can purchase Hoodies, Zoodies (zipped hoodies), body warmers, and beanie hats directly from Logo King Glasgow. Go onto their home page; on the top right-hand side there is a club shops pull down. Select DD to enter guest area. Enter password “doddler” This takes you to the online shop. For all other requirements, please contact our club kit officer – Dave Hurst.
If you are registered with Parkrun, please make sure that you are in the Parkrun Dorset Doddler Group so that we can find your results. If you go to your parkrun profile, then select groups, you will be able to add Doddlers there.
And don’t forget to join the Dorset Doddlers club group on Strava. It’s not essential but it’s a good way to see what fellow club members are up to, you’ll be ranked in the leader boards and can see how you fare on segments frequently run by members.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 5th April at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 6th January
Happy New Year
On behalf of the committee, I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year.
Well done to all those who managed to run at Broadstone Quarter on 1st January – a great start to our DRRL campaign. Our men’s team scored well achieving 2nd in division 3, however Dawn was left with too much to do being the only lady to run. Well done all and especially to Gary Blaber for 5th MV50 and Ian Barnes for 3rd MV60.

To keep up to date will all recent results, please visit the Main Results section of the club website.
Christmas Party
Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Party, it was a brilliant event, and we hope you all enjoyed it. A huge thank you to Suzanna Baker and Nick Summons who worked tirelessly to put on the event.
Club draw for London Marathon place
Congratulations to Amanda Ackroyd who won our club place at the 2024 London Marathon. We wish her all the very best in her training and in the build up to this iconic marathon. Good Luck Manda.
Ian Buckingham
Thank you to everyone who came to Blandford Parkrun this morning in memory of Ian Buckingham who very sadly passed away on 27th December. His wife Nicky ran the entire course, supported by a group of Doddlers. Our heartfelt condolences to Nicky and the family.
The funeral is booked for 18th January at Harbour View Crematorium, Lytchett Minster, arrive for refreshments at 10am with the service at 10:30. All Dorset Doddlers are welcome to attend.

Club Championship Races
The first Club Champs race for 2024 is Longleat 10k on the 28th of January. If you have not signed up with LetsDoThis before, or have a second email to create a second account, the following link will give you £10 off
Our list of Club Champs races also includes the very popular Studland Stampede on the 6th of October. This race does sell out very quickly, it might seem a long way off but if you’d like to enter, do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Enter here.

Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
Well done to the Doddler ladies’ team for winning top spot in division 2 in the 2023 league – a great achievement indeed. Also well done to Ian Barnes for winning the top Doddler spot for competing at 7 or more DRRL races. Hopefully he will have more competition in 2024 with lots of us running 7 or more races. They have great trophies so definitely worth making the effort.
Fixtures for 2024 are listed on the DRRL website (and shown below) so please put these races in your diaries and support your club in our DRRL campaign. You might think only faster runners are needed, but this really is a team league where every runner can contribute to the teams overall score. Even if you’re not going to score in the top 3 at a race, you run can still contribute to the team’s overall position by staying ahead of the third or fourth scoring runner for another club – you could make all the difference from the back of the pack. It’s also good fun and great to be part of the Doddler team at any race.
- 01 Jan Broadstone Quarter
- 04 Feb Blackmore Vale Half – DCC
- 11 Feb Lytchett 10
- 05-May NDVM – DCC
- 19 May May 5
- 14 Jun (eve) Purbeck 10K – DCC
- 07 Jul Round the Rock 10K
- 04 Aug Sturminster Half
- Sep (tbc) Hoburne 5
- 13 Oct Weymouth 10
- 17 Nov Wimborne 10 – DCC
- 24 Nov Boscombe 10K
Food Bank Run
Following the success of our 2023 Food Bank Run, we will be repeating this event for 2024 on Saturday 24th February. Keep an eye out on the club Facebook page for more details, but initial plans are to meet at the Station Car Park (near the Factory Shop) to run the Stur 5k route. This event is open to all – family and friends are very welcome. Please bring your food donations to walk up to the Vale Pantry afterwards.
If you are registered with Parkrun, please make sure that you are in the Parkrun Dorset Doddler Group so that we can find your results. If you go to your parkrun profile, then select groups, you will be able to add Doddlers there.
And don’t forget to join the Dorset Doddlers club group on Strava. It’s not essential but it’s a good way to see what fellow club members are up to, you’ll be ranked in the leader boards and can see how you fare on segments frequently run by members.
Shaftesbury Hills on Tuesday evenings
This is a very versatile session that can be adapted to your own speed and level of fitness.
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back).
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45. Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Couch To 5k
We are currently offering a structured Couch to 5k training program for those who would like to start running but are not ready to join the regular training sessions. Our friendly coaches will support you in your journey every step of the way.
Our current will start on Monday 8th January 2024, so it’s not too late to join the group. For more details of our C25k courses, check out the club website Couch To 5k.
Summer Runs
Starting end of March, you might think it’s a bit early in the year to think about summer runs, but it would be great to get a full list of dates booked in, organised by lots of different members. The basis for these runs is to show off your very favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trail, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Club kit
You can purchase Hoodies, Zoodies (zipped hoodies), body warmers, and beanie hats directly from Logo King Glasgow. Go onto their home page; on the top right-hand side there is a club shops pull down. Select DD to enter guest area. Enter password “doddler” This takes you to the online shop. For all other requirements, please contact our club kit officer – Dave Hurst.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 11th January at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 6th December
Stur 5
The last internal club race of 2023 with Club and Keith Vine Champs points still up for grabs!
Tomorrow night Thursday 7th December.
Meet at SturFit at 6.45pm to collect numbers and warm up. 7.15pm start at the entrance to the Youth Centre.
White Hart Alehouse in town after for prizegiving.
GPX file attached
Last year’s happy winners

The club Christmas party menu has been updated to include more GF and Vegan choices. Please make sure you get your final orders in by this Friday the 8th of December.
Dorset Doddler Christmas Party RSVP and menu choices.
Payment via BACS to the Doddlers Sort Code 20-99-40 Account Number 40411043. Please remember to give XMAS and your SURNAME as a reference.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Christmas Cracker
This year the Christmas Cracker training session will take place on Thursday 21st December and will be led by Ian. He will be fully armed with the festive relay batons, and an array of fun running activities for us all to enjoy, so please don your favourite Christmas attire and join us with a festive cheer. You never know Ian may even bring us some chocolate rewards for our super snappy crocodile fun.
Stonehenge Stomp
Update from the Salisbury ARC – the routes have been revised to avoid the areas prone to flooding and we’ve been advised a new ‘circuit’ is being installed to alleviate the flood risk in the underpass. ENTRIES OPEN 16:00 SUNDAY 17TH DECEMBER (make a note in your diary, this usually sells out within days)! We can’t wait to get Stomping!
Note: we are in the process of updating the website with all event information.
Fastest 5k and fastest marathon
Please remember to let me have your fastest 5k time and your fastest marathon time. The 5k time must be either in a 5k race or an official Parkrun time, no segments from longer races. Could everyone who has run a 5k and/or a marathon this year, please check the listing in the results section of the Dorset Doddler website (last section/page of the “Club Championship 2023 races” link) and or the list posted to Facebook and let me know if your time is not correct. For new members this must be from whilst you were a member, so from the date you joined.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th December at 8:45pm, directly after presentations for Stur 5 at The White Hart in Stur. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Thank you to all who came along to the Club AGM, it was great to see you all.
Please see the list of Club Roles as voted in at the meeting. Congratulations and welcome to all new role holders and a huge THANK YOU to all those who have given up their time in 2023 to help the club.
We are still open to nominations for Chairperson and Press Liaison/Marketing officer. Please shout up if there is any possibility you might consider either role.
People with a committee role would normally attend the monthly committee meetings but all members with roles or not, can request attending a meeting and/or add an agenda point.
CLUB UPDATE – 12th November
The Club Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held on Thursday 23rd of November after club training, at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton. We look forward to you all attending, listening to the various annual reports, and helping us to make decisions about taking the club forward to 2024 and beyond!
Please find attached your invitation to the AGM together with a list of “Committee Roles”, Race Directors” and “Members with Club Roles”. As you will see a number of these roles are becoming vacant and we need you to either volunteer or to nominate someone who would like to fill the role. If you are nominating someone, please don’t forget to get their permission.
AGM Agenda AGM Minutes from 2022
The committee / club roles are an excellent way for you to become more involved in what happens behind the scenes. Some of the roles require very little work, whilst others require more commitment. Regardless of how long you have been with the club if you have something to offer then we would love to hear from you.
If you fancy taking on a role or joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. It’s your club, please feel free to stand for any of the roles, either to replace or to assist the current person in role. If you’d like to stand, please let me know in advance (preferable) or put your hand up at the meeting.
In addition, there is plenty of opportunity to get involved in organising any of the races, each race director needs a race committee to work together as a team. Please could everyone consider whether they might be able to help any of the race directors – it’s certainly a very rewarding experience and without your help these races just won’t happen.
As an aside please could all race directors and other members with roles note that if there is anything you would like to discuss at committee you are more than welcome to come along, please contact the club secretary to get the date of the next meeting. Race directors should certainly be coming to committee in the lead up to their race.
Christmas Cracker
This year the Christmas Cracker training session will take place on Thursday 21st December and will be led by Ian. He will be fully armed with the festive relay batons, and an array of fun running activities for us all to enjoy, so please don your favourite Christmas attire and join us with a festive cheer. You never know Ian may even bring us some chocolate rewards for our super snappy crocodile fun.
Club Trophies
If you were placed in a club championship last year it will soon be time to dust off your trophies and return them to me. Please get them to me by Thursday 7th December at the very latest – in time for the presentations at the Christmas Party the following week. If possible, please bring them along to the AGM if you’ve not already given them to me before.
The club Christmas party will be held on Saturday 16th December at The Langton Arms in Tarrant Monkton. This promises to be a fantastic event with a 2 course sit down meal. Live music and club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn. More details to follow but invitations will be going out shortly. As in previous years you will be sent an email containing a link to give your response and menu choices.
Nick Summons, who is organising the event with Suzanna Baker is putting together a music/picture montage celebrating 40 years of our fantastic club. Please could anyone who is attending or has a picture of previous members send copies to Nick – please send to Nicks’ personal email.
London Marathon – draw for club place
Once again, we have been allocated 1 place for the London Marathon to be held on 21st April 2024 and will be drawing the place from a hat at the Christmas party. For those of you who wish to enter the draw you will need to be a fully paid up first claim affiliated member of Dorset Doddlers in both 2022/2023 and 2023/24 (paid by 1 April 2023), you also need to have entered the ballot and have been rejected. New members will earn this benefit next year.
If you meet the above criteria, please forward your rejection email to Paul Russell via [email protected], no later than Monday 12th December. Your name will then be checked against the criteria and our membership records at EA.
For the first time this year it’s possible to get your name in the hat multiple times for helping at club events, turning up to training, organising a summer run, amongst many other things. As I’m sure you’ve all seen on Facebook Paul is keeping careful records of points earned and will be awarding one additional name in the hat for every 10 points earned.
Good Luck all rejectees!
The Full MontyCute 10
If you have entered The Full MontyCute 10 trail race (race now full) and would like to join us for lunch at 1pm at The Prince of Wales, please let me know so that I can let them know final numbers.
Club kit
You can purchase Hoodies, Zoodies (zipped hoodies), body warmers, and beanie hats directly from Logo King Glasgow. Go onto their home page; on the top right-hand side there is a club shops pull down. Select DD to enter guest area. Enter password “doddler” This takes you to the online shop. For all other requirements, please contact our club kit officer – Dave Hurst.
If you are registered with Parkrun, please make sure that you are in the Parkrun Dorset Doddler Group so that we can find your results. If you go to your parkrun profile, then select groups, you will be able to add Doddlers there.
Stonehenge Stomp
On Sunday 28th January, Stonehenge Stomp is great spring marathon training and a fab social run. It’s often cold and exposed but with stunning views and very popular with both Dorset Doddlers and Run Blandford. Entries usually open on the first Sunday of December and this event does sell out so enter promptly so that you don’t miss out
Club Equipment
As many of you know Peter Waterer looks after our race equipment, signs, water tables and whatever else he keeps in that trailer. Please could any found arrows or other signs be returned to him, via training if more convenient.
Also, if you are organising a club event, either an internal Sunday run, or as a race director, please be mindful that Pete has everything in that trailer, so before buying anything on behalf of the club, please contact Peter first. This includes a stock of bottled water, cups and other sundries.
Club Championship Races
The list of the remaining races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next Club Champs race is New Forest Stinger on 26th Nov – please enter asap to secure your place. And the last Club Champs race of the year will be Stur 5 in place of training on Thurs 7th December.
Fastest 5k and fastest marathon
Please remember to let me have your fastest 5k time and your fastest marathon time. The 5k time must be either in a 5k race or an official Parkrun time, no segments from longer races. Could everyone who has run a 5k and/or a marathon this year, please check the listing in the results section of the Dorset Doddler website (last section/page of the “Club Championship 2023 races” link) and or the list posted to Facebook and let me know if your time is not correct. For new members this must be from whilst you were a member, so from the date you joined.
Club Championship for 2024
The list of Club Champs races will be announced at the AGM in November, but as a heads up so that you can get the dates in your diaries and your entries in, I can confirm that the first Club Champs race for 2024 is Longleat 10k on the 28th January. There’s an early bird discount of £2 at the moment, and if you have not signed up with LetsDoThis before, the following link will give you £10 off
And so that you can get your entries in the 2024 Club Champs will also include: Spring Larmer Tree 10 on Sunday 3rd March and Studland Stampede on the 6th October.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The final event of the league is Boscombe 10k on 26th Nov. The ladies’ team are poised to either win or come second in division 2, so we need a strong team of ladies to run for us at this race. Please get your entries in to secure your place and let our new team captain Ian Barnes know so that he can assemble the team. A full fixture list can be found on the DRRL website.
Fixtures for 2024 have also been announced so please put these races in your diaries and get your racing year planned out.
01 Jan Broadstone Quarter – entries
04 Feb Blackmore Vale Half – DCC – web site
11 Feb Lytchett 10
05-May NDVM – DCC
19 May May 5
14 Jun (eve) Purbeck 10K – DCC
07 Jul Round the Rock 10K
04 Aug Sturminster Half
Sep (tbc) Hoburne 5
Oct (tbc) Weymouth 10
17 Nov Wimborne 10 – DCC
24 Nov Boscombe 10K
Shaftesbury Hills on Tuesday evenings
This is a very versatile session that can be adapted to your own speed and level of fitness.
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Sunrise Sessions
As a Dorset Doddler member you are welcome to attend the North Dorset Triathlon Club winter Sunrise Training sessions as an alternative to Shaftesbury Hills. But we would certainly encourage you to come to our very own and very popular Shaftesbury Hills session for a coach led session with a great group of Doddlers.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back).
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45. Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th December at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
CLUB UPDATE – 15th October
The Club Annual General Meeting
It is that time of year when we start preparations for the club AGM to which you are all cordially invited. As always, the AGM will be held on the third (sometimes last) Thursday of November after club training, that is Thursday 23rd November at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton.
We look forward to you all attending and telling us, the committee, how we can serve you, our members better. What have you enjoyed this year? And of course, how would you like to get involved? If you fancy taking on a role or even joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. It’s your club, so I urge you to take your turn at the helm.
See the attached list of roles and who currently does them. So put the date in your diary and look out for more details over the next few weeks.
Club Roles – your club needs you – take your pick

The club Christmas party will be held on Saturday 16th December at The Langton Arms in Tarrant Monkton. This promises to be a fantastic event with a full 2 course sit down meal, live music, club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn.
The Stickler
As I am sure you are all aware, the next race we are organising is the fantastic Stickler on Sunday 29th October. Now in its 28th year the Stickler is a 10.1-mile trail race with over 1,500ft of climb, dubbed Dorset 3-Peaks. If you (or your family or friends) can help, please contact the race director: Lucy Edwards (Brown) (email: [email protected]), or Ian Pollard if you would like to help with the carparking.

The Dark Stickler
Suzanna Baker has kindly agreed to organise a club social Dark Stickler run on Friday 27th October. Details to be confirmed on Facebook but the provisional plan is to meet and park at the Church Centre in Shillingstone for a 6:30pm start. This is a run of the entire route in the dark, please bring a torch and a sense of humour. Please check the forecast and dress appropriately, we will go ahead no matter the weather. Trail shoes are recommended but it doesn’t look as though we need snorkels this year.
There is also a possibility of a 5-mile option completing just 1 of the 3 peaks. Please let us know if you are interested in running this shorter route.
Club Championship Races
The list of the remaining races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next Club Champs race is New Forest Stinger on 26th Nov – please enter asap to secure your place. And the last Club Champs race of the year will be Stur 5 in place of training on Thurs 7th December.
Club Championship for 2024
The list of Club Champs races will be announced at the AGM in November, but as a heads up so that you can get the dates in your diaries and your entries in, I can confirm that the first Club Champs race for 2024 is Longleat 10k on the 28th January. There’s an early bird discount of £2 at the moment, and if you have not signed up with LetsDoThis before, the following link will give you £10 off
We are also going to include Studland Stampede as a Club Champs race. The date for the 2024 race will be 6th October.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is Weymouth 10, this Sunday the 22 October and the final event of the league is Boscombe 10k on 26th Nov. Please get your entries in early to secure your place. A full fixture list can be found on the DRRL website.
Stur Half – the mission to create a sustainable event
In case anyone missed it, English Athletics have published an article congratulating Stur Half Race Director, Christine Willis for the strides we are taking to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It’s a great article looking at various aspects of putting on a race with sustainability in mind.
Here’s the link to the EA article – Congratulations Chris for putting our club in the limelight!
Shaftesbury Hills on Tuesday evenings
This is a very versatile session that can be adapted to your own speed and level of fitness.
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:45 for a 18:50 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Sunrise Sessions
North Dorset Triathlon Club have started their winter Sunrise Training sessions earlier this month. As a Dorset Doddler member you are welcome to attend these sessions as an alternative to Shaftesbury Hills. But we would certainly encourage you to come to our very own and very popular Shaftesbury Hills session for a coach led session with a great group of Doddlers.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back).
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45. Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 2nd November at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Champs Announcement!
Due to the clash of Black Hill 10k (CC race) with a newly announced DRRL fixture, we have decided to also make Round The Lakes 10k a Club Champs race.
It’s your choice, either support the clubs’ team DRRL campaign by entering Round The Lakes 10k (3 laps) or enjoy the hilly trails of Black Hill 10k. Both races will count towards the Club Champs results.
Website: Round The Lakes 10k Route: Garmin Route
Website: Black Hill 10k Route: Garmin Route
Remaining Club Champs, DRRL and other popular races this year.
We hope to see as many as possible of you at these races.
Date | Race | Distance | Club Champs | DRRL |
3rd Sept | The Beast | 12m | √ | – |
24th Sept | Round The Lakes | 10k | √ | √ |
24th Sept | Black Hill 10k | 10k | √ | – |
8th Oct | Gold Hill 10k | 10k | √ | √ |
15th Oct | Studland Stampede | 12k | – | – |
22nd Oct | Weymouth 10 | 10m | – | √ |
29th Oct | The Stickler | 10m | – | – |
19th Nov | Wimborne 10 | 10m | – | – |
26th Nov | New Forest Stinger | 10m | √ | – |
26th Nov | Boscombe 10k | 10k | – | √ |
3rd Dec | Full Montycute 10 | 10m | – | – |
7th Dec | Stur 5 | 5m | √ | – |
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th Sept at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 9 July 2023
40th Anniversary Summer Party on Saturday 29th July
If you responded to the party invitation to say you would like to come, you will have received a request to make your menu choices that was due in on Friday 7th July. If you have not already completed this, please do get in touch asap by email to [email protected]
If you have confirmed your menu choices and not yet paid, please could you send payment for your meals to the Dorset Doddlers Account – 2 courses £20.50 or 3 courses £27.50. The bank details are: Sort Code: 20 99 40, Acc No: 40 41 10 43. Please use your surname and party as the reference number.
There will also be an afternoon event on the same day (Sat 29th July) at the recreation ground in Stur from 2pm including fun activities such as a game of rounders and an optional run to the mills of Stur followed by tea/cake. Details to follow but please make a note in your diaries for now.

Doddler Duathlon – Thursday 20th July
Spencer and Stuart are organising the 2023 Doddler duathlon which will take place on Thursday evening on the 20th of July in place of training. The venue is at Sturfit in Sturminster Newton.
I have attached their race brief, so please download, and read it. This is also available on the club Facebook page. Race Brief.
Don’t be put off by the prospect of running-cycling-running because it’s really not as bad, or difficult, as it might seem. Anyway, give it a go. You might even enjoy it.
For those who have done this before, this year’s first run has changed, we have increased the first run distance from about 750m to 2000m which is a little bit less of a sprint and a good warm-up for the legs prior to getting on your bike.
If you are interested in taking part, please comment on Stuart’s Facebook post or contact them directly.
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website.

Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is the Stur Half on Sunday 6th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out.
If you do intend to represent the club and run Stur Half for the DRRL, please think about offering your help to set up on the Saturday before, assist with car parking before the race or stay to clear the field following the race. Alternatively, you might be able to offer a friend or family member to marshal or to help on a water station, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion.

Summer Runs
The next summer run on Tuesday 11th July is from Wendy’s Farm near Semley. The one where you may see an alpaca! And the following week on the 18th of July is organised by Adam Frampton, from Manor Farm, Hammoon (picnic).
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Summer Camp in Pembrokeshire
Summer camp is Tues 15th – Thurs 17th August. If you are interested in joining us to camp near St Davids for a few days, please book directly via the campsite website. It’s a small and fairly basic campsite but with great views and a relaxed atmosphere. Other options for staying are available, including hotels and B&Bs in St Davids. Please also let me know (email or WhatsApp) if you intend to come and more importantly if you are interested in Kayaking on Wed 16th and/or Coasteering on Thurs 17th with other Doddlers. These activities are with my brother at The Real Adventure Company – check out details of activities if interested. He does get booked up in August so let me know if interested so I can confirm numbers.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is The Beast on the 3rd Sept and then Black Hill 10k on 23rd Sept. Remember to qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023.
Please let me have your best 5k and your best marathon times for the year.
Dorset Road Race League
Full details of the Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 can be found on the DRRL website and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran Portland 10 on the 2nd of July. The next DRRL fixture is our own Stur Half on the 6th of August and then newly announced Round the Lakes in Poole on 24th Sept. Please keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates from our team captains.
3-Peaks Challenge for Dorset MIND
Sometimes groups of friends within the club decide to organise a trip away to do a race or to take on a challenge. And next weekend a group of 12 Doddlers are taking on the National 3-Peaks Challenge to raise money for Dorset MIND. We will be climbing the highest mountain in Scotland (Ben Nevis), England (Scarfell Pike) and then Wales (Snowdon) and we’ll be attempting to do this within 24hours. If you would like to donate please visit our JustGiving page.
I should apologise to those members who perceived that this was a club organised event, it is not, just a group of likeminded friends crammed into a small bus and climbing some mountains. As in past incarnations of this challenge in 2017 and 2019, we have once again used the club logo on our t-shirts, as it was felt by the committee that the association would be good PR for the club and would benefit our fund-raising efforts.
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 3rd Aug at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange. If you don’t want to sit through the entire meeting, please ask and we can put you early on the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 6 June 2023
40th Anniversary Summer Party on Saturday 29th July
Please find attached your invitation to the Doddler 40th celebration Summer Party. Please RSVP specifically regarding the evening do no later than 28th June as we need to provide Udder Farm with numbers by this date. It is going to be a fantastic event with drinks from 7pm and a sit down at 7:30pm. The club will be subsidising the cost of the food by £5 per ticket so that you pay just £22.50 for 2 courses or £27.50 for 3 courses, both including a drink on arrival and tea or coffee to finish. Following the meal there will be a live band until late. RSVP email to [email protected].
For those who don’t want to drive home, free overnight camping will be available in the field adjacent to the restaurant, and please book directly with Udder if you wish to have breakfast on Sunday morning in the restaurant from 9am.
There will also be an afternoon event on the same day (Sat 29th July) at the recreation ground in Stur from 2pm including fun activities: such as a game of rounders and an optional run to the mills of Stur followed by tea/cake. Details to follow but please make a note in your diaries for now.
John Deacon Handicap Race – Thursday 22nd June
We have our infamous John Deacon Handicap “The Race Anyone Can Win” fast approaching. This year the race will take place on Thursday 22nd June (instead of club training). For those of you who are new to the club, or haven’t done the race before, we ask you to submit a recent race time (any distance) before the race so that we can work out your handicap pace. Don’t worry if you don’t have a time, we can make one up for you!
On race day, all runners set off at separate times depending on your ranking (fastest last), with the idea that everyone crosses the finish line together – best laid plans and all that – but still first over the line wins!
Last year we had 21 runners, can we beat that this year? Paul has already had a few runners give him their times. If you would like to race or want more information, please let Paul know either by commenting on his FB post or by email or any other means you prefer..
For a flyby of the route please see Paul’s post on FaceBook – link.
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including John Deacon Handicap (22 June) and Club Duathlon (20 July).
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
As I’m sure you’re aware we have started our summer track sessions with the next being on Thurs 15th June, then 6th and 27th July. But please keep an eye on the club FaceBook for updates. For all Thursday training sessions, meet at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels so come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Summer Runs
The next summer run on Tuesday 13th June is your chance to run abroad in …… Wiltshire, it’s a beautiful place to run. Meet in the square outside the Co-op at 7PM for a 7:15 start (BA12 6DJ). There are two free car parks in Mere and plenty of on street parking. There will be a 5K run / walk and 5, 6 and 7-ish run routes. We will be eating at the Walnut Tree (BA12 6BH) which is a 5-minute walk or a 2-minute drive from the start / finish point. The menu is on the club website and has been posted to the club Facebook page. Food will need to be ordered through Dave Jackson by Monday afternoon – Food Orders.
The following week on 20th June we are off to the coast for Dave Bs Coastal Run from Worth Matravers. For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Summer Camp in Pembrokeshire
Summer camp will be mid-week this year, Tues 15th – Thurs 17th August. If you are interested in joining us for a spot of camping in St Davids for a few days, please book directly via the campsite website. It’s a small and fairly basic campsite but with great views and a relaxed atmosphere. Please also let me know (email or WhatsApp) if you intend to come and more importantly if you are interested in Kayaking and/or Coasteering with other Doddlers. If numbers permit (minimum 5 participating) I will book a group sea kayak and possibly coasteering. These activities are with my brother at The Real Adventure Company, please check out details of activities if interested. He does get booked up in August so please let me know if interested to avoid disappointment.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is Tarrant Valley 10k on 18th June followed by The Beast on the 3rd Sept. There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023. Please let me have your best 5k and your best marathon times for the year.
Dorset Road Race League
Full details of the Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 can be found on the DRRL website and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran NDVM on the 30th of April. The next DRRL fixture is Portland 10 on 2nd July and then our own Stur Half on 6th August and the newly announced Round the Lakes in Poole on 24th Sept. Please keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates from our team captains.
Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is Stur Half on Sunday 6th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
Club Membership for 2023
If you have not already done so, please renew your club membership. As detailed in the last club update, from 1st April onwards the new rate has taken effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £17 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 6th July at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 8 May 2023
Well done to everyone involved in putting on the NDVM! What a brilliant event, showcasing our club to the wider running community. A huge thank you to everyone giving up their time to help put on the event. In addition, we had 7 Doddlers completing the full marathon and 3 teams entered in the relay. Great effort from our first team (Gary Blaber, Justin Perry, Molly Rasch and Duncan Ward) who were awarded 1st mixed team.
We were also well represented at the London Marathon this year with 7 Doddlers collecting that well-earned medal, including Dave Jackson completing his 100th marathon and Arabella De Steiger Khandwala completing her first ever marathon in an impressive time of 3:50:08.
Marnhull 12k
We are very proud to support and be associated with Marnhull 12k, organised to raise funds for St Gregory’s Primary School. As always, this year’s race delivered both a fantastic event for runners and the local community, as well as raising much needed funds for this local school. Well done to the 18 Doddlers who took part in the race, to many others who marshalled and to our very own Barry Shea who has worked tirelessly as race director.
Dorset Doddlers Parkrun Takeover
On Saturday 13th May we will be taking over all volunteer roles at Henstridge Parkrun. All the positions have been filled by regular Henstridge runners but it’s not too late to get involved. Please either join marshals at their allocated stations (see attached list) or come along to complete the Parkrun as a runner/walker – everyone is welcome, bring your family and friends, dogs on short leads and join us for a drink, bacon butty, or full breakfast at the airfield café afterwards. Let’s make this a celebration of our wonderful club.
40th Anniversary Summer Party
Don’t forget to save the date for our fabulous summer party at The Udder Farm Shop and Cafe on Saturday 29th July 2023. Details were in the March club update and further details to follow.

Suzy Vivian Hill Climb – Thursday 25th May
This race is organised by Spencer Mogridge and starts and finishes in Okeford Fitzpaine. There’s just a little hill in between! Last year we were pleased to announce that this race now has 2 brand new shields for the fastest male and female. Race starts 7.15pm. Allowing time for some runners to run from the Leisure Centre to Okeford. It would be great to see lots of you this year!
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including John Deacon Handicap (22 June) and Club Duathlon (20 July).
Sturminster Half Marathon
Our next main club race is Stur Half on Sunday 6th August, and we are looking for volunteers to help with various roles, including setting up the day before, water stations and marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels so come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies. Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Summer Runs
Our Summer Runs continue to be popular with members with good numbers turning up whether rain or shine. The next summer run is from the Village Hall in Stourpaine on Tuesday 9th May organised by Angela, with food at The White Horse to follow. We then have a slot available on 16th May so please let Lynda know if you can organise a run on this date.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is Hardy Half on Sunday 14 May followed by Tarrant Valley 10k on 18th June. There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023. Please let me have your best 5k and your best marathon times for the year.
Dorset Road Race League
Full details of the Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 can be found on the DRRL website and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran NDVM on the 30th of April. The next DRRL fixture is May 5 (21 May) which does clash with Wessex Ridgeway Relay, but with only 2 Doddler teams entered in the infamous relay, we hope to see as many of you at May 5 as possible. Following May 5, we have The Puddletown Plod Half Marathon on 11th June and Portland 10 on 2nd July. Please keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates from our team captains.
Club Membership for 2023
If you have not already done so, please renew your club membership. As detailed in the last club update, from 1st April onwards the new rate has taken effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £17 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 8th June at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!

Club Update – 17 April 2023
Dear all
It’s been great to see lots of you out at races and Parkrun, at summer runs and at training, now that the clocks have gone forward and a few of us have spring marathons under our belts or very soon, it feels like the summer is fast approaching.
Well done to Steve Rigby for achieving a PB at Manchester marathon is an amazing 2:37:52, to Helena Bastable for completing her first marathon in Southampton, and to Justin Perry, John Townsend and myself for flying the Doddler flag at Brighton, to Mark Riley for Dorset Ooser Marathon, Dave Jackson for 1st MV60 at Sweetcombe Scramble Marathon (at JPs Exe to Axe) and to Jane Gould for being the 1st lady at The Oner – Rab’s Ultra, an astonishing 84miles along the Jurassic coast in 23:36:54.
Broad Oak Hilly
Don’t forget we have this internal club race on Thursday 20th April at 6:45pm from the Bull Tavern in Sturminster Newton. The route is an out and back with the turn point at the bottom of the hill almost on the finish straight, but with the finish almost in sight you have the fun of turning back to repeat those hills. See the club event on Facebook for more details.
For details of all our internal club races please see the club website, including Suzy Vivian Hill Climb (25 May), John Deacon Handicap (22 June) and Club Duathlon (20 July).
Dorset Doddlers Parkrun Takeover
On Saturday 13th May we will be taking over all volunteer roles at Henstridge Parkrun. All the positions have been filled by regular Henstridge runners but it’s not too late to get involved. Please either join marshals at their allocated stations (see attached list) or come along to complete the Parkrun as a runner/walker – everyone is welcome, bring your family and friends, dogs on short leads and join us for a drink, bacon butty, full breakfast at the airfield café afterwards. Let’s make this a celebration of out wonderful club.
40th Anniversary Summer Party
Don’t forget to save the date for our fabulous summer party at The Udder Farm Shop on Saturday 29th July 2023. Details in the last club update.

Club Membership for 2023
If you have not already done so, please renew your club membership. As detailed in the last club update, from 1st April onwards the new rate has taken effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £17 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
Benefits include EA discounts (see My Athletics EA portal) as well as £2 off races for affiliated runners, free entry to races as part of a DD team, internal club races, structured training by qualified coaches, together with all the social aspects of being part of a friendly and supportive club.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
North Dorset Village Marathon
Sarah is still looking for people to help on the day, including 4 volunteers to help in the school hall from 7am to give out numbers and relay t-shirts, 2 more marshals on the route, and a driver to collect fallen (hopefully not literally) runners.
We also need people to help at race HQ, setting up before the race and working as a team to make light work of clearing away at the end of the day. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Volunteering on race day is great fun, a really positive experience.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is Broad Oak Hilly in place of training on Thursday 20th April, followed by Hardy Half (14 May). There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023. Please let me have your best 5k and your best marathon times for the year.
Dorset Road Race League
Full details of the Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 can be found on the DRRL website and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran Marnhull 12k on the 16th April, I’m sure you’ll all agree it was a great race and lovely to see so many Doddlers take part. The next DRRL fixture is NDVM (30 Apr) and then May 5 (21 May) and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Summer Runs
Our first couple of Summer Runs have been well attended even in quite incremental weather conditions. The next summer run after tonight’s run from The Crown in Marnhull is from The Fiddleford Inn on Tuesday 25th April organised by Angela. We then have 3 slots available in May so please let Lynda know if you can organise a run.
The basis for these runs is to show off your favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trial, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you and Ines has offered to do maps for us. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels so come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies. Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Club Updates
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 4th May at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 21 March 2023
I hope you’re all enjoying the spring weather, what a difference a few weeks makes. And don’t forget the clocks spring forward on Sunday 26th March giving us more light in the evening ready for Summer runs to start on the following Tuesday 28th March.
Congratulations to new member Gary Blaber for 2nd MV45+ at Weymouth Half and to Arabella De Steiger Khandwala for achieving a PB and 4th FV40+ also at Weymouth Half. Congratulations also go to Nick Reynolds, Molly Rasch and Tom Mitchell for achieving 10k PBs at Eastleigh 10k.
Summer Runs
Our first Summer Run on Tuesday 28th March is being organised by Lynda and will be from The Saxon Inn, in Child Okeford. Meeting at 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start. All abilities welcome, there will be different distances available.
Food is in the pub afterwards and they would like pre-orders please, so can you look at the menu and let Lynda know what you would like.
Lynda is organising the list of Dorset Doddler summer runs for us, and it would be great to get a full list of dates organised by lots of different members. The basis for these runs is to show off your favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trial, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you and Ines has offered to do maps for us. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
40th Anniversary Summer Party
As you may already know our club has been in existence for 40 years, and so in true Doddler style we are going to celebrate. Jill Watson is taking the reins to organise a fabulous summer party at The Udder Farm Shop on Saturday 29th July 2023. Plans include a run to the beautiful Duncliffe Woods, afternoon tea, a celebratory sit-down dinner, live music, dancing, and onsite camping.
Obviously, we want as many Doddlers past and present to attend so please save the date! Come to the whole event or just drop in for afternoon tea, bring your family or come on your own, it’s up to you, but it’s going to be a great event.

Club Membership for 2023
Just a reminder that club membership renewals are due by 31st March 2023.
Last year the England Athletics registration fee increased from £15 to £16 and for this year they’re implementing another £1 increase to £17. Our club subsidises the affiliation fee which is a benefit not offered by other clubs.
And this year we have an offer to save members money – if you pay your membership by 31st March, you can access the previous year’s rate of £26 for affiliated or £15 for unaffiliated members.
From 1st April onwards the new rate will take effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £17 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
Benefits include EA discounts (see My Athletics EA portal) as well as £2 off races for affiliated runners, free entry to races as part of a DD team, internal club races, structured training by qualified coaches, together with all the social aspects of being part of a friendly and supportive club.
In addition, you will need to pay your club renewal fees by 31st March to qualify to be entered into the draw for our club place at the London Marathon 2024.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
North Dorset Village Marathon
Our next club organised race is a real showcase of what Dorset Doddlers are capable of, both in terms of putting on a great spring marathon and in our team spirit in supporting each other, either running in a team or as an individual in the full marathon. Whilst we do encourage members to take part in this race, we also rely on you to help out either as marshals or manning the water stations, but also helping out at race HQ, setting up before the race and working as a team to make light work of clearing away at the end of the day. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Marshalling is great fun, a really positive experience.
We are putting up 3 teams at NDVM Relay, if you would like to run for your club on one of these teams, please let Molly Rasch (our team captain) or any other member of committee know.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is Broad Oak Hilly in place of training on Thursday 20th April (date tbc), followed by Hardy Half (14 May). There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023.
Dorset Road Race League
Full details of the Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 can be found on the DRRL website and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran Lytchett 10 on the 12th of February. The next DRRL fixture is Marnhull 12k (16 Apr) and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies. Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 13th April at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 8 February 2023
Dear all
It’s been great seeing so many of you out and about at races and at our various club training sessions.
Congratulations to Molly Rasch for 1st lady at Romsey 5, to Lynda Faulkner for winning her age class at Blackmore Vale Half, and to Jane Gould for a very impressive age class win at Arc Of Attrition, a 100mile extreme coastal race.
For a small club we have some top-class results, backed up with a depth of support for everyone who is getting out there and doing their thing, perhaps the biggest achievements coming from those who strive to complete our Couch to 5k course and then smash out a 10-mile hilly club race, well done Geoff Hammond, brilliant work.
As ever, please keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates, notifications, and reports.
Club Membership for 2023
Just a reminder that club membership renewals are due by 31st March 2023.
Last year the England Athletics registration fee increased from £15 to £16 and for this year they’re implementing another £1 increase to £17. Our club subsidises the affiliation fee which is a benefit not offered by other clubs.
And this year we have an offer to save members money – if you pay your membership by 31st March, you can access the previous year’s rate of £26 for affiliated or £15 for unaffiliated members.
From 1st April onwards the new rate will take effect and you’ll pay £30 for affiliation or £17 to be an unaffiliated member. I’m sure you’ll agree both are still excellent value for money.
Benefits include EA discounts (see My Athletics EA portal) as well as £2 off races for affiliated runners, free entry to races as part of a DD team, internal club races, structured training by qualified coaches, together with all the social aspects of being part of a friendly and supportive club.
In addition, you will need to pay your club renewal fees by 31st March to qualify to be entered into the draw for our club place at the London Marathon 2024.
To pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Account Name: Dorset Doddlers, Account No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
The Food Bank Run
We are delighted to announce that Dorset Doddlers will be taking part in Food Bank Run 2023.
The Food Bank Run is a national movement that is gaining pace this year. Created off the back of a run several years ago by Fareham Running Club, they’re now encouraging every club, group and food bank to link up and create their own Food Bank Run, and they have over 300 clubs, groups and councils who have committed to running their own Food Bank Run in 2023!
We will be running our donations to The Vale Pantry in Sturminster Newton on Sat 25th Feb. Meet at the Station Car Park (near the Factory Shop). The route will be the Stur 5k route and it’s open to all – family and friends are very welcome. Please bring your food donations to walk up to the Vale Pantry afterwards.
North Dorset Village Marathon
Our next club organised race is a real show case of what Dorset Doddlers are capable of, both in terms of putting on a great spring marathon and in our team spirit in supporting each other, either running in a team or as an individual in the full marathon. Whilst we do encourage members to take part in this race we also rely on you to help out either as marshals or manning the water stations, but also helping out at race HQ, setting up before the race and working as a team to make light work of clearing away at the end of the day. If you are running in the race, please do ask your family if they could marshal on the route, it would allow them to really feel part of the occasion. Marshalling is great fun, a really positive experience.
Inés is also looking for 3 lead bikes and 2 sweepers at NDVM. For more details, please see the race website.
We are putting up 3 teams at NDVM Relay, if you would like to run for your club on one of these teams, please let Molly Rasch (our teams captain) or any other member of committee know.
Pen Selwood Races
Although not an official Dorset Doddler race, Pen Selwood 10k on Sun 2nd April is organised by Inés Braun and promoted by the club. There is a 10k and a 5k race both starting at 11am, and a 2k race starting at 11:05am.
Inés is looking for 2 sweepers and a lead bike for this race, please contact her directly if you’d like to volunteer.
Club race dates flyer
As previously mentioned, we have a fantastic flyer listing our club race dates that need to be taken to all reasonably local races. If you’re attending a race, please let any member of the committee know so that we can arrange getting them to you before the race, either from Ian Pollard or Paul Russell at training or otherwise by arrangement.
Thanks to Christine for her brilliant design and to blackmore super print – naturally for sponsoring this flyer for the second year running.
Course Measurers needed!
All road races that advertise a set distance must be officially measured by an accredited UK course measurer. There is currently a shortage of course measurers in Dorset so if you are interested in becoming one, please get in touch. Once qualified, course measurers operate as independent agents, working directly for and paid by the race director. For more information, please see the official website.
Due to the miles involved the most obvious way to complete course measurement is on a bicycle and you should probably already be a proficient cyclist, so an ideal opportunity for someone like Shams, but others may also be interested.
Shaftesbury Hill Sessions every Tuesday at 18:45
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul or Shams will lead these sessions and they will post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies. Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Couch To 5k
We are currently offering a structured Couch to 5k training program for those who would like to start running but are not ready to join the regular training sessions. Our friendly coaches will support you in your journey every step of the way.
Our current course began on Monday 9th January 2023, but it’s not too late to join the group. For more details of our C25k courses, check out the club website Couch To 5k.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next race is Lytchett 10 this Sunday 12th Feb, followed by Up On The Downs (5 Mar). There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023.
Dorset Road Race League
The Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 have been announced and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran the Broadstone Quarter on the 1st of January, a great effort on the first day of the year. The next DRRL fixture is Lytchett 10 (12 Feb) and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Summer Runs
Once again Lynda will be organising our summer runs for us, you might think it’s a bit early to start thinking about these, but it would be great to get a full list of dates organised by lots of different members. The basis for these runs is to show off your very favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trail, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you and Ines has offered to do maps for us. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 2nd March at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Club Update – 8 January 2023
We hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to get back to a more normal routine, which hopefully includes some running (particularly those who have entered a spring marathon).
Christmas Party
Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Party, it was a fantastic event, and we hope you all enjoyed it.
A huge thank you to Ruth Readman who worked tirelessly to put on the event through some difficult occurrences (including two consecutive caterers cancelling on us), and to everyone else who helped, especially to Vics and Christine for organising the party bags and to John for having everyone’s back (from changing barrels behind the bar to collecting Jill from Shaftesbury). It’s the work that goes on behind the scenes that really makes these events, and sometimes the result isn’t perfect, as was the case with the catering – they were over stretched and struggled, despite much hard work and good intent.
As a committee we apologise to everyone who attended for this aspect of the event and hope you appreciate we will do everything we can to learn from mistakes and to support all involved. I hope you’ll agree that overall, it was a great night out and we can look forward to a year of celebrating the 40th year of this fantastic supportive and friendly club.
Club draw for London Marathon place
Congratulations to Craig White who won our club place at the 2023 London Marathon. We wish him well in his training and in the build up to this iconic marathon. Good Luck Craig.
Club defibrillator
The new club portable defibrillator has arrived and will be available at club training, internal races and summer runs. There are 5 places available for the training session on Saturday 21st January, 10am start at Durweston Village Hall. Please let Amanda or Paul know if you are interested in attending.
Club race dates flier
Once again, we are producing a flier listing our club race dates which will be going to press shortly. They’ll be available soon, so please ask for some and take them to running events to promote our club races. Thanks to Christine for her brilliant design and to blackmore super print – naturally for sponsoring this flier for the second year running.
Milborne 10
On Sunday 22nd January we have an internal club race – Milborne 10, the first of our Club Championship races. This is an undulating 10-mile road route starting at 10:30am from Milborne St Andrews, 8 miles SW of Blandford Forum on the A354. Map of Route.
If you intend to run this event, please either comment on the recent post on Facebook or contact me directly so that we have an idea of numbers. If you’re not able to run but are happy to come along to support/marshal, then please let me know. More details will be posted on the club Facebook page.
Stonehenge Stomp
We usually get a good number of Dorset Doddlers and Run Blandford participating in Stonehenge Stomp on Sunday 29th January. The event offers distances of 10km, 20km, 30km and 40km on the ancient trails around Stonehenge. Everyone is welcome to attend, including runners, walkers, families, dogs are also welcome on leads. I look forward to seeing everyone who has already entered but unfortunately entries are now sold out and there are no entries on the day this year. Website
Summer Runs
Once again Lynda will be organising our summer runs for us, you might think it’s a bit early to start thinking about these, but it would be great to get a full list of dates organised by lots of different members. The basis for these runs is to show off your very favourite run to the club. So, if you have that special go to run, perhaps somewhere we’ve not run as a club before, somewhere stunning, somewhere with the perfect picnic spot or perhaps a lovely pub, flat or hilly, but mostly on trail, then please let Lynda know. If you’ve not organised one before, Lynda will help you and Ines has offered to do maps for us. You don’t necessarily need to mark the route as we run together in groups.
For more details, please see the club website Summer Runs page.
Shaftesbury Hill Sessions every Tuesday at 18:45
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul or Shams will lead these sessions and they will post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies. Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Couch To 5k
We are currently offering a friendly but structured Couch to 5k training program for those who would like to start running but are not ready to join the regular training sessions. Our friendly coaches will support you in your journey every step of the way.
Our next course began on Monday 9th January 2023, but it’s not too late to join the group. For more details of our C25k courses, check out the club website Couch To 5k.
Club Championship Races for 2023
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The first race is on Sunday 22nd Jan as detailed above, followed by Lytchett 10 (12 Feb) and Up On The Downs (5 Mar). There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 3rd Dec 2023.
Dorset Road Race League
Well done to the ladies’ team for winning second place in division 2 of the DRRL in 2022 – a great result.
The Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2023 have been announced and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran the Broadstone Quarter on the 1st of January, a great effort on the first day of the year. The next DRRL fixture is Lytchett 10 (12 Feb) and we hope to see as many of you there as possible).
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, races and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club Facebook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
And finally, don’t forget to join the Dorset Doddlers club group on Strava. It’s not essential but it’s a good way to see what fellow club members are up to, you’ll be ranked in the leader boards and can see how you fare on segments frequently run by members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 2nd February at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!

Dear Doddlers,
On behalf of the committee, we are delighted to invite you and your partners to this year’s Christmas party to be held at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton on Friday 16th December.
The party will include a three course Italian meal, club presentations and live music from Pressgang. So come and join us for what promises to be a fantastic evening.
Most do like to dress up – so black tie, party frocks, suits, but please no casual.
The menu is attached to an email sent this evening that you will no doubt want to ponder before clicking on the link below to accept the invitation for yourself and guests and indicate your menu choices.
The committee have once again agreed that the club will cover the cost of the entertainment and venue, subsidise the cost of meals for paid up members and provide members with two drinks vouchers each.
We would be very grateful if you could reply by clicking on the link asap and no later than Friday 2nd December.
Dorset Doddler Christmas Party RSVP and menu choices.
Payment via BACS to the Doddlers Sort Code 20-99-40 Account Number 40411043. Please remember to give XMAS and your SURNAME as a reference. Prices are £25 for members and £30 for non-members.
We look forward to seeing you all there.

Doddler Update – 8 November
I hope that you are well and enjoying a break after a busy summer season. This update is packed full of information so please read carefully to ensure you don’t miss out on anything.
It’s that time of year when the evenings start to draw in and we hold our annual AGM. As is tradition the AGM is held on the last Thursday of November, so Thursday 24th November after training at The Exchange.
Please find attached your invitation to the AGM together with a list of “Committee Roles”, Race Directors” and “Members with Club Roles”. As you will see a number of these roles are becoming vacant and we need you to either volunteer or to nominate someone who would like to fill the role. If you are nominating someone, please don’t forget to get their permission.
The committee / club roles are an excellent way for you to become more involved in what happens behind the scenes. Some of the roles require very little work, whilst others do require more commitment. Regardless of how long you have been with the club if you have something to offer then we would love to hear from you. Most of the positions already have someone standing but all committee roles are voted in, so if you’d like to stand please let me know in advance (preferable) or put your hand up at the meeting.
In addition, there is plenty of opportunity to get involved in organising any of the races, each race director needs a race committee to work together as a team. Please could everyone consider whether they might be able to help any of the race directors – it’s certainly a very rewarding experience and without your help these races just won’t happen.
As an aside please could all race directors and other members with roles note that if there is anything you would like to discuss at committee you are more than welcome to come along, please contact the club secretary to get the date of the next meeting. Race directors should certainly be coming to committee in the lead up to their race.
Christmas Cracker
This year the Christmas Cracker training session will take place on Thursday 22nd December and will be led by Ian. He will be fully armed with the festive relay batons, and an array of fun running activities for us all to enjoy, so please don your favourite Christmas attire and join us with a festive cheer. You never know Ian may even bring us some chocolate rewards for our super snappy crocodile fun.
Club Trophies
If you were placed in a club championship last year it will soon be time to dust off your trophies and return them to me. Please get them to me by Thursday 8th December at the very latest – in time for the presentations at the Christmas Party the following week. If possible, please bring them along to the AGM if you’ve not already given them to me before.
Christmas Party
You will shortly receive an email from Ruth inviting you to the highlight of the Doddler social calendar – our Christmas Party which is to be held on Friday 16th December at the Exchange, Sturminster Newton. This promises to be a fantastic event with a festive full 3 course sit down meal, live music from Press Gang, presentation of the club awards and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn.
London Marathon – draw for club place
Once again, we have been allocated 1 place for the London Marathon to be held on 23 April 2023 and will be drawing the place from a hat at the Christmas party. For those of you who wish to enter the draw you will need to be a fully paid up first claim affiliated member of Dorset Doddlers in both 2021/2022 and 2022/23 (paid by 1 April 2022), you also need to have entered the ballot and have been rejected. New members will earn this benefit next year.
If you meet the above criteria, please forward your rejection email to Victoria West at [email protected], no later than Monday 12th December. Your name will then be checked against the criteria and our membership records at EA. Good Luck all rejectees!
Club Hoodies
We have sourced some new club hoodies, zoodies (zipped hoody) and gillets, and will be making our first order very shortly to arrive before Christmas. If you would like to get in on this first order, please contact Dave Hurst and/or Victoria West. They will be able to show you designs and prices for the various items available. Don’t worry if you’re not ready to commit until you’ve seen the merchandise, there will likely be a limited number of unallocated items and after this first order there’ll be a an opportunity to order online.
Club Championship Races
The list of the remaining races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next Club Champs race is Wimborne 10 (miles) on 20 Nov. This is also a DRRL race so please support your club and enter the race if you can. Entries are still open via the race website. And finally, we have our very own Stur 5 on 1 Dec (meet at Sturfit Leisure Centre at 7pm. There will be a club social at the White Hart Alehouse following the race.
Proposed DRRL races for 2023 (all dates to be confirmed): Broadstone quarter marathon (Jan 1st); Lytchett 10 (Feb 12th); Marnhull 12k (Apr 16th); North Dorset Village Marathon (Apr 30th); May 5 (May 21st); Puddletown Plod half marathon (Jun 11th); Portland 10m (July 2nd); Sturminster Half (Aug 6th); Hoburne 5m (Sept 24th); Gold Hill 10k (Oct 8th); Weymouth 10 (Oct 22nd), Boscombe 10k (Nov 26th). Please support your club and get these races in your diaries. We would like to target selected races during the year to make sure we have a strong scoring team at these races so please look out for further information from your club team captain.
Stonehenge Stomp
On Sunday 29th January, Stonehenge Stomp is great spring marathon training and a fab social run. It’s often cold and exposed but with stunning views and very popular with both Dorset Doddlers and Run Blandford. Entries open on 4th December and this event does sell out so enter promptly so that you don’t miss out
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, in addition to our club FaceBook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th December at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Doddler Update – 8 October
The Club Annual General Meeting
(aka eating fish ‘n’ chips from the highly acclaimed Something Else Fishy in Milborne Port, and talking about our brilliant club)
It is that time of year when we start preparations for the club AGM to which you are all cordially invited. As always, the AGM will be held on the last (sometimes third) Thursday of November after club training, that is Thursday 24th November at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton.
We look forward to you all attending and telling us, the committee, how we can serve you, our members better. What would you like to see more of, or less of, what have you enjoyed this year? And of course, how would you like to get involved? If you fancy taking on a role or even joining the committee now is your chance, we would love your help. See the attached list of roles and who currently does them. So put the date in your diary and look out for more details over the next few weeks.

The club Christmas party will be held on Friday 16th December at The Exchange in Sturminster Newton. This promises to be a fantastic event with a full 3 course sit down meal, live music from Press Gang, club awards will be presented and the club place for the London Marathon will be drawn (hopefully).
The Stickler
As previously mentioned, the next race we are organising is The Stickler on Sunday 30th October. Now in its 27th year the Stickler is a 10.1-mile trail race with over 1,500ft of climb, dubbed Dorset 3-Peaks. If you (or your family or friends) can help, please contact the race directors: Justin Perry and John Townsend (email: [email protected]), or Ian Pollard if you would like to help with the carparking.

The Dark Stickler
There will be a club social Dark Stickler run on Friday 14th October. Meet and park at the Church Centre in Shillingstone for a 6:30pm start. There’ll be 2 speed groups, led by Paul Russell and Amanda Ackroyd. This is a 10.4-mile trail run of the entire route in the dark, please bring a torch and a sense of humour. Please check the forecast and dress appropriately, we will go ahead no matter the weather. Trail shoes will are recommended but it doesn’t look as though we need snorkels this year.
There is also a possibility of a 5-mile option completing just 1 of the 3 peaks. Please let me know below if you are interested and/or happy to lead this shorter run (map and gpx file will be provided).
Club Hoodies
We will be sourcing some new club hoodies in the next few weeks, ready for the cooler months ahead. Dave Hurst and Victoria West are investigating options and looking at designs and will have more details to follow. If you are interested in buying a club hoodie, please let Victoria or Dave know.
Club Championship Races
The list of the remaining races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next Club Champs race is Studland Stampede on 16th Oct (already full but they’re operating a waiting list) and Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov – it does sell out so please enter asap.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is Gold Hill 10k on Sunday/tomorrow (don’t worry, you can enter on the day) and the final event of the league is the ever popular Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov. Please get your entries in early to secure your place. A full fixture list can be found on the DRRL website.
Shaftesbury training on Tuesday evenings
Re-named so as not to mention the Hills! because to be fair you don’t have to run up them. This is a very versatile session that can be adapted to your own speed and level of fitness. We have a few C25k runners participating, they may take an occasional alternative route (we won’t call them short cuts) but it was amazing to have them along, joining in with our more seasoned runners.
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions, and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Sunrise Sessions
North Dorset Triathlon Club will be starting their Sunrise Training sessions once the clocks have gone back at the end of October. As a Dorset Doddler member you are welcome to attend these sessions as an alternative to Shaftesbury Hills (hills optional). We think they meet at the Blandford Sports Centre, but we will confirm details next month.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back).
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45. Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Club Updates
Please keep an eye on our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club FaceBook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 3rd November at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Tail-Walk at Henstridge Parkrun
A few of us Doddlers will be tail walking at Henstridge Parkrun on Saturday 24th September as a mark of respect for Chris Cussen who gave his time to volunteer on a regular basis.
Please come and join us in your Doddler top, or your Doddler 3-Peaks Challenge t-shirt, if you have one. Hopefully Chris’s son Tim will be joining us with Luca. Looking forward to seeing as many as can be there.

Doddler Update 5 September
Dear all
It was great to see so many Doddlers at The Beast “Stairway To Heaven” on Sunday. We really are a fantastic club, with our speedy runners picking up age category placings and others enjoying more sociable runs, encouraging, and supporting each other. And thanks to those who came out to support our club runners, with running tips and encouragement from Ian and Randoms (sweets) from Neil at the top of over what seemed like a mountain climb of steps. A great outing indeed.

The results have been updated on the club website. Top running, well done all who represent the club, both the speedy ones who pick up prizes but also to those competing at a more considered pace, and those of you who are there to support others.
The Stickler
Our next main club race is The Stickler on Sunday 30th October. Now in its 27th year the Stickler is a 10.1-mile trail race with over 1,500ft of climb, dubbed Dorset 3-Peaks. It would be fantastic if lots of you lovely Doddlers came forward to volunteer to help out on the day either marshalling, at race HQ, putting up signs, carparking and/or at the finish line. If you (or your family or friends) can help, please contact the race directors: Justin Perry and John Townsend (email: [email protected]), or Ian Pollard if you would like to help with the carparking.
And so that you don’t miss out on running this challenging route, we will be organising a club light and a dark social Stickler run – more details nearer the time. Please keep an eye on Facebook for updates about our social Stickler runs.

Gold Hill 10k
Gold Hill is a local race organised by our very own Inés Braun from Shaftesbury school with all proceeds going to the local Scouts group. It is included in the DRRL fixture list so please get your entries in to represent your club at this race. Inés also needs volunteers to help at this race, specifically 2 sweepers and 3 timekeepers. If you are able to help, please contact Inés directly or via [email protected].
Club Championship Races
The list of the remaining races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The next Club Champs race is Black Hill 10k on 25th Sept, a lovely trail race raising funds for the local Scout Group, then Studland Stampede on 16th Oct (already full but they’re operating a waiting list) and Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov – it does sell out so please enter asap.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is Hoburne 5 mile in 25th Sept, then Gold Hill 10k on 9th October and the final event of the league is the ever popular Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov. Please get your entries in early to secure your place. A full fixture list can be found on the DRRL website.
Summer Runs
Please keep an eye on the club website for upcoming summer runs and look out for details posted to the club Facebook page. There will likely be just 2 more Summer Runs on Tues 13th and 20th September and then we’re back to the very popular Shaftesbury Hills.
Shaftesbury Hills Starting Tuesday 27th September!
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell or Shams Wahab will be leading these sessions and they usually post details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veteran, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies (no-one will mind if you just fancy an easy run at the back).
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45. Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Couch To 5k
Well done to Paul and the team for another successful running of the Couch To 5k course which once again accumulated in the Parkrun at Henstridge on 6th August. Some fantastic feedback from the participants and thanks to all Doddlers who came along to support the team. Paul will be doing it all again next year so please let your yet-to-start-running friends and family know.

Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, social runs and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club FaceBook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
Welfare Officers
In our attempt to keep up with EA protocol and because we are a very caring club, I am very excited to announce that we have 2 new Welfare officers: Jill Watson and Julia Slade. While safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone in the club, having welfare officers ensures we have dedicated persons for managing and reporting concerns about adults at risk. Both Jill and Julia will be attending an online ‘Safeguarding in Athletics’ module and attending a ‘Time to Listen’ course so they’ll both have the right level of knowledge for the role. You are welcome to approach any member of the committee or running leader should you have any concerns but the rest us may not be specifically trained in welfare officing.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 6th October at 8:45pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
We look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep running and look after each other!
Doddler Update 2 August
Couch-2-5k at Henstridge Parkrun
On Saturday our next group of C25Kers are taking on the Henstridge parkrun. It would be great if we could get a few Doddlers to encourage them along (you can either run with them or give them a cheer when you see them). It really made their day last time to have so much support.
Stur Half and Stur 5k
Sunday sees the return of the Stur Half and Stur 5k, if you are around to help, support or run it would be great to see you. Visit the new race website for more details.
The results have been updates on the club website. Top running, well done all who represent the club, both the speedy ones who pick up trophies but also to those competing at a more considered pace, those of you who are there to support others, and those who help a fellow Doddler achieve a goal pace.
Southwest Road Running Championship
Dorset athletes are required for male and female teams of 6 for this event to be held at Chippenham Half on Sunday 18th Sept. If you would like to be nominated for team Dorset, please email me on [email protected] with your full name, your EA number, age, date of birth and relevant/recent performance information. Please do not enter the race until you have received selection confirmation. To be considered ladies will need to run a half marathon in a time of less than 1hour 50mins, there is more interested from men so they will need to be considerably quicker, but I don’t yet have a time (I have asked). Please put your name forward (with details) if you fancy it, what’s the worst that could happen? you don’t make the top 6? but if you get selected you could be representing Dorset!
Club Championship Races
The next Club Champs race is brilliant The Beast “Stairway to Heaven” on the 4th Sept, this is an epic 12-mile race from Corfe Castle. It does sell out so please enter now to avoid disappointment. Following that we have Black Hill 10k on 25th Sept, a lovely trail race raising funds for the local Scout Group, then Studland Stampede on 16th Oct (already full but they’re operating a waiting list) and Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov – entries have just opened for this very popular race. It does sell out so please enter asap.
Dorset Road Race League, DRRL
The next DRRL fixture is Hoburne 5 mile on 25th Sept, then Gold Hill 10k on 9th October and the final event of the league is the ever popular Wimborne 10 on 20th Nov. Please get your entries in early to secure your place. A full fixture list can be found on the DRRL website.
Summer Runs
Please keep an eye on the club website for upcoming summer runs and look out for details posted to the club Facebook page. The next Summer Run on Tues 9th August will be organised by Suzanna and Lucy, location to be confirmed.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 1st September at 9pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
Keep running and look after each other!
Doddler Update 10th July
Our annual Doddler Duathlon is taking place this Thursday, 14th July from Sturfit.
Run – Bike – Run.
Enter individually or team up with someone to share the fun. This is a fun evening for all members. It consists of a short run of 800m, then cycling 8 miles followed by a second slightly longer 3km run. People do turn up with all sorts of bikes and there’s a shorter bike route for less race orientated bikes.
Spencer has managed to secure prizes from Barbers cheese makers (where his own cow’s milk goes), they’ve donated a selection of top-notch cheeses for the winners. We also have some Wyvern Beer from Hall & Woodhouse for the winners.
We are hoping to have a social afterwards, including presentations to the prize winners at the White Horse Hinton (tbc).
Keep a look out of the club Facebook page for mor details.
Please let either Spencer or Stuart know you intend to take part or are able to marshal.
We are looking forward to seeing lots of members pitching up for this fun event.
Summer runs
Tuesday’s run is from Okeford Hill, meeting at the car park where leg 3 of the Wessex Ridgeway starts. 7:00 for 7:15 start. It’s going to be a warm day! We have been given permission by the landowner to picnic by the beacon behind the fence, where the horses can’t reach us! Details posted to the club Facebook page.
Your club needs you . . .
Our next main club race is Stur Half on 7th August, and we are still looking for volunteers to help out to setting up the day before and various roles, including marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out. More details about this fantastic race to follow next week!!
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 4th August at 9pm. If you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
Keep running and look after each other!
Contrary to my previous email, Dave is no longer organising the Mere summer run on Tuesday 5th July, happily Lynda has stepped in again to put on a run from The Fox in Ansty. This is a fantastic area to run in, so we hope to see as many of you as possible. Food orders are already in but if you’ve not already ordered via FaceBook you are still welcome to stay for a drink after the run. Details posted to the club Facebook page.
There are a few dates available in the summer run diary, so please do contact Lynda if you would like to organise a run. Please chat to Lynda if you’re not sure as we can provide any support and/or advice you need, especially if it’s your first time. Please see the club website for available dates.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th July at 9pm. We will obviously be mainly discussing the fast-approaching Stur Half, but if you would like to raise any points for discussing or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
Keep running and look after each other!
Dear all
Doddler Update 28th June 2022
It’s been great seeing so many of you at races and at our various club training sessions. The Thursday training session, being tailored to upcoming events and suitable for all abilities, is increasing in popularity. We have just 2 more track sessions left this summer, provisionally on 30th June and 21st July (both weather permitting). Keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates, notifications, and reports.
John Deacon Handicap
Congratulations to everyone who took part in the John Deacon Handicap race on Thursday 23 June. For those who don’t know this is an internal club 6.65-mile road race. With the slower runners starting first and the fastest starting last, this race can be won by any runner by beating your anticipated time. This year the race was won by Helena Bastable who beat her anticipated time by over 4 minutes. Well done Helena!
Please see the results page of the club website for recent results. We’ve had Justin, Damian and Tim venturing to Sussex for Brighton Trail Marathon, Craig, Mel and Baz tackling the very hilly Cheddar Gorge Half Marathon, and Michael and Nick running Torbay Half Marathon. Nearer to home we’ve had Doddlers taking on the infamous Giants Head Marathon.
Congratulations to Michael Peters for winning his age group at Torbay Half, Tom Mitchell for achieving a PB and being placed 4th at Laycock 10k, to Molly Rasch for 2nd lady at Round The Lakes 10k, Liz Murfin for 3rd lady, and Matt Clayton for 3rd in age group at TV10 and Chris Wright and Tom Mitchell achieving 5k PBs at AVR Westbury 5k, Jane Gould for 3rd FV50 at South Downs Way 100 miles, and to Molly Rasch for 1st lady at Puddletown Half.
Summer runs
Summer runs have been as popular as ever, with the most recent being organised by Dave Burrows, from Worth Matravers – a fantastic coastal run with far reaching spectacular views and a picnic backlit by a gorgeous sunset.
Next up is Manor Farm, Hammoon Summer Run on Tues 28th June, organised by Adam Frampton, with a picnic afterwards. Please gather at 7pm for a 7:15pm start. And Mere on Tues 5th July organised by Dave Jackson with food at The George to follow. Details posted to the club Facebook page.
Club Championship Races for 2022
The next Club Champs race is Portland 10 on 3rd Jul, this is also a DRRL race so please come along and run if you can, entries are still available. Following Portland 10 is the The Beast on 4th September. The Beast is an epic 12-mile race from Corfe Castle. It does sell out so please enter now to avoid disappointment (16 Doddlers already entered).
Next up in our series of internal club races is the much-anticipated duathlon on Thursday 14th July. This is a fun evening for all members. It consists of a short run of 800m, then cycling 8 miles followed by a second slightly longer 3km run. People do turn up with all sorts of bikes and there’s a shorter bike route for less race orientated bikes. Keep a look out on the club Facebook page for more details.
Your club needs you . . .
Our next main club race is Stur Half on 7th August, and we are still looking for volunteers to help out, including setting up the day before and various roles, including marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Our next committee meeting is due to take place on Thursday 7th July at 9pm. We will mainly be discussing the fast-approaching Stur Half, but if you would like to raise any points or if you’d like to join us for a meeting, please let us know so we can arrange.
Enjoy your running!
Doddler Update 12th June 2022
It’s been great seeing so many of you at races and at our various club training sessions. The Thursday training session, being tailored to upcoming events and suitable for all abilities, is increasing in popularity. Keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates, notifications, and reports.
Summer runs
Summer runs have been as popular as ever, with the most recent being organised by John Cowley, but hosted by Peter Waterer and Angela from their Bagber homestead. There was a tremendous turnout of ~ 50 Doddlers for this very popular annual celebration of John’s birthday. Whether it was the fantastic routes out towards Cutt Mill or perhaps the magnificent spread and fireworks that brought us there in such numbers, it was a fantastic Doddler evening, where we took to opportunity to present 3 wonderful long-standing members, Duncan Ray, Peter and Jenny Fuller with Life Memberships. All 3 have given many years of loyal and fun service to the club.
Next up is Charlton Horethorne Summer Run on Tues 14th June, organised by Neil Cranidge, with food at The Kings Arms to follow. Food orders on the night, before you run if you want to eat. Details are posted to the club Facebook page.
Our club members have achieved so much already this year in a huge variety of races, from Jane Gould completing South Downs Way 100 miles in 21:43:53 finishing in 3rd FV50+ and Molly Rasch running PBs and regularly bringing home silverware, to our many smiling faces representing the club across the UK and further afield. Well done to each and every one of you, Doddlers rock! See the results page for more details.
Club Championship Races for 2022
The next Club Champs race is Coombe Keynes 10k on 19th June, followed by Portland 10 on 3rd Jul and The Beast on 4th September. The Beast does sell out so please enter now to avoid disappointment (16 Doddlers already entered).
Dorset Road Race League
Well done to everyone who took part in the Puddletown Plod today, some great points for both individuals and for the ladies’ team. Please do ‘fly the club flag’ by taking part in DRRL races to earn points for the club and for yourself in the individual rankings. The next race is Round the Lakes 10k on 19th June, then the popular Portland 10 on 3 July. Although we have 4 ladies entered, we currently have only 2 Doddler men entered for Portland 10 race so please get your entries in so that we can score for the team. Enter here.
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Joint Run Blandford and Dorset Doddler Event for Dorset MIND on Monday 18th April
Thank you to everyone who came to our joint Dorset Doddler – Run Blandford event.
Brilliant effort from everyone competing in the relay event, and well done to all prize winners. Thanks to everyone for your donations, thank you to Duncan Ray for organising relay runners, and to Run Blandford for putting on the BBQ and to Ian (of Run Blandford) for donating the food, and thank you to DarkHorses for entertaining us.
I am very proud to say that together we raised £703.75 (including gift aid) for Dorset MIND.
Your club needs you . . .
Our next main club race is Stur Half on 7th August, and we will be looking for volunteers to help out to setting up the day before and various roles, including marshalling on the day. Please get in touch with the Race Director – [email protected] if you or anyone you know can help out.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Keep running and look after each other!
Doddler Update 4th April 2022
Club Membership for 2022
Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership to our fantastic club, we appreciate you getting this done before the deadline.
For anyone who hasn’t got around to it yet, please do so as soon as possible and let Julia know you intend to renew. Club membership renewals were due by the 1st April 2022 and Julia is now processing them with EA, act quickly and your renewal may get included in this first trance.
Competitive membership fees are now £26 (the club subsidises the affiliation fee by £5). The non-affiliated membership will remain at £15.
Please pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Acc. Name: Dorset Doddlers, Acc. No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Doddler Update 8th March 2022
It’s been great seeing so many of you at races and at our various club training sessions. The Thursday training session, being tailored to upcoming events and suitable for all abilities, is increasing in popularity. Keep an eye on the club Facebook page for updates, notifications, and reports.
Club Membership for 2022
Just a reminder that club membership renewals are due by the 1st April 2022.
The England Athletics registration fee is increasing from £15 to £16. Competitive membership fees will therefore increase by £1 to £26. The club subsidises the affiliation fee by £5. The non-affiliated membership will remain at £15.
Please pay your membership by BACS at Barclays Bank – Sort Code: 20:99:40, Acc. Name: Dorset Doddlers, Acc. No: 40411043. Please give your name as the reference on BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected] .
Training Poll Results
We had many responses to our recent poll on Tuesday and Thursday training, so thank you to everyone that took the time to fill in the survey. For Tuesday’s sessions the majority voted to stay with a 6.45pm start with a few asking for a later start time. When the Shaftesbury sessions resume in October, we will now meet at 6.45pm for a 6.50pm start. There will be no change to the remaining sessions before the Summer Runs. The Thursday night sessions in Sturminster were hugely in favour of the current start time of 7pm, therefore we will be making no changes to these sessions. The comments we received were all extremely positive about the training, with many of you saying how they had improved your running overall. Ian and Paul have recently been on an England Athletics workshop to learn new techniques which will further enhance your training and running. If you haven’t been on a training session, they really are great…come along and give it a go!
Sunday Social Runs
The next Sunday Social Run is on 13th March from The fabulous Fox at Ansty, organised by Stuart Martin. The route will be ~12 miles of gorgeous trail with stunning views. The plan is to stop for hot or cold drinks at the pub after the run, and for those who would like to stay and eat afterwards The Fox serves Sunday lunch from midday ’till late. …you’ll need to book ahead.
If this doesn’t suit your training needs and you’re running elsewhere, please post details to Facebook so that people can join you. It’s absolutely fine if we have more than one social run on the same day, so please invite others whatever distance/pace you’re planning.
Shaftesbury Hills – Curry Night
We are coming to the end of the Hill Sessions in Shaftesbury, which means it is Curry Night! This year the final session will be Tuesday 22nd March, and we have a table booked at Chutneys afterwards. If you would like to come along to the curry, please let Paul know so he can add you to the list.
Couch 2 5k – Henstridge Parkrun (please come and support)
We are fast approaching Week 9 of our latest Dorset Doddlers C25K course. The group finishes their program on Saturday 12th March with a 5k at Henstridge Parkrun. It would be great if they could have some support on the day…that’s where you come in! We would love to see as many Doddlers as possible cheer them on. We are not asking you to run with them (unless you want to), just to give them a cheer as they pass by. If you could wear Doddler t-shirts or tops on the day then we can show them what a great, friendly bunch we are!
Club Championship Races for 2022
The next Club Champs race is Yeovil Half Marathon on 27th March. We then have the very popular Marnhull 12k on 3rd April and Broad Oak Hilly on Thurs 21st April (a club internal race in place of training).
Dorset Road Race League
Well done to all Doddlers who ran Lytchett 10 on the 13th of Feb. We would like as many of you as possible to take part in DRRL races to earn points for the club and for yourself in the individual rankings. The next race is Marnhull 12k on 3rd April, followed by North Dorset Village Marathon on 1st May, and for those of you who don’t fancy Wessex Ridgeway on the 22nd May, please consider entering May 5.
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Joint Run Blandford and Dorset Doddler Event for Dorset MIND on Monday 18th April
The venue for this social event will be Blandford Cricket Club. With a fun relay event (names selected out of Duncan’s sorting hat), walkers and runners can also take part as individuals. Well-behaved dogs, families and friends are all welcome to come along. We also anticipate enjoying a game of rounders to keep us occupied during the running event. The bar will be open and we’re planning a BBQ and a band into the evening.
Your club needs you . . .
Sarah Perret is looking for volunteers to marshal at NDVM on 1st May. Please get in touch with Sarah or Ines if you or anyone you know can help out.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Keep running and look after each other!
Doddler Update 8th February 2022
It’s been fantastic seeing so many of you out running, with good numbers at various races, Parkrun and at Shaftesbury Hills. It would be great to see more of you at our coached training sessions on Thursday evenings. These sessions are suitable for all abilities and are really valuable to improve your running fitness, technique, and motivation. For more details see the training section of our website.
Club Membership for 2022
Just a reminder that club membership renewals are due by the 1st April 2022.
The England Athletics registration fee is increasing from £15 to £16. Competitive membership fees will therefore increase by £1 to £26. The club subsidises the affiliation fee by £5 (an offer you don’t get when you join other clubs). The non-affiliated membership will remain at £15. Please give your name as the reference on any BACS payments so we know who you are!
Any questions please contact Julia Slade on [email protected].
Sunday Social Runs
The next Sunday Social Run is due to be on 20th February. I am away in Wales but if anyone else fancies organising one, please let me know. Otherwise, please post details to FaceBook so that people can join you. It’s absolutely fine if we have more than one social run on the same day, so please invite others whatever distance/pace you’re doing.
On Sunday 27th February there’s a fantastic 12-mile trail race in the Pewsey Vale called The Terminator. We usually have a small team of Doddlers at this race. It’s a tough, hilly, and usually muddy route. You can still enter if you fancy joining us and please let me know if you’d like to join us for lunch afterwards. Enter via Entry Central. Race website.
Club races flier
We have a new club flier, designed by our very own Christine Willis, and kindly sponsored by Blackmore. Let’s make the most of these fantastic fliers and get them out to runners across Dorset and beyond. If you are attending a race, please offer to take a few along to distribute to runners.
Club Championship Races for 2022
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website. Please note an update to include The Beast on 4th Sept as Dorset Invader isn’t going ahead this year. Entries are not open yet but keep an eye out as it does sell out.
The next Club Champs race is Sika 10k on 13th Feb in Wareham. Unfortunately, this race changed its date after we’d announced the CC races, so it does now clash with a popular DRRL race – Lytchett 10. We apologise about this but as there are 12 club champ races (plus any 5k race/parkrun and any marathon race), you have plenty of opportunity to achieve the required 5 races if you’ve already entered Lytchett 10. We then have Yeovil Half Marathon on 27th March and Marnhull 12k on 3rd April.
Dorset Road Race League
Well done to all Doddlers who ran Blackmore Vale Half on the 6th of Feb, a great effort in strong winds and up that final hill. We would like as many of you as possible to take part in DRRL races to earn points for the club and for yourself in the individual rankings. There are 12 races and I think you need to do 7 of them to qualify.
The Dorset Doddler Men’s team are currently in 7th position in the highly competitive 1st Division, we will really need to score well at these races to stay in this division.
The Ladies team are doing extremely well and we are currently in 3rd position in the 2nd Division. We have high hopes for our ladies team this year, so keep racing and keep an eye on the leader boards.
We certainly have the talent for both men and ladies, so it’s all about getting full teams to all the league races. Nick Brooke and whoever takes over as Ladies captain will coordinate our efforts to make sure we get full teams at as many races as we can. Please support your club and get to as many as you can.
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Joint Run Blandford and Dorset Doddler Event for Dorset MIND
We are planning a joint team relay event with Run Blandford to raise money for Dorset MIND, with runners donating their ‘entry fee’ to this very important charity. We hope to organise a BBQ and a band for the evening, and it should be suitable for the whole family. The date is to be confirmed but hopefully Bank Holiday Monday 18th April 2022. We will bring you more details as soon as we can.
Marshalling and helping out at our races
As a club we organise 4 races: NDVM on 1st May, Wessex Ridgeway on 22nd May, Stur Half on 7th August and The Stickler on 30th October. We need very few people to help at Wessex Ridgeway so that leaves 3 races where we will ask you to volunteer so that we can put these races on. Some of you are very generous with your time and help out every year at one or more of these races, and we are very grateful. Others leave volunteering until the last moment in the hope that they’re not required, leaving someone else to step in. We do know some of you support the club in other ways and we’re not directing this request at you. And we do understand that you love running and would like to do them all, but please could we ask that everyone makes a commitment to volunteer for at least one of these races. If you do wish to run in one of our own races, please ask your family and friends to marshal in your place. Supporting your club in the best way that you can is all that we ask.
Please ask any member of the committee if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to answer or at least point you in the right direction.
Keep running and look after each other!
Qualified Coaches

The Dorset Doddlers Running Club now have two newly qualified Coaches in Running Fitness (CiRF). Shams Wahab and Paul Russell have both recently passed their England Athletics assessments after months of hard work and training, both within the club and individually.
Shams and Paul have both been members of the Doddlers for a number of years, and both were qualified Leaders in Running Fitness (LiRF). By progressing to CiRF they now join Head Coach Ian Pollard as being able to coach runners in the club.
Being trained by qualified coaches means that existing members, or new members joining the Doddlers know that they will be taught the latest, correct, and safe techniques as recommended by England Athletics.
The assessment required 3 main areas to be passed. The coaches had to prepare a one-hour training session focusing on the main areas of coaching; a warmup followed by drills leading to a running focused main unit and finishing with a cool down. The second part of the assessment was an 8-week plan to improve an existing runner, with running form and a running goal being the outcome. Finally, Shams and Paul had to pass a knowledge test.
Doddler Update 3rd January 2022
We hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to get back to a more normal routine, which hopefully includes some running.
Milborne 10
On Sunday 9th January we have an internal club race – Milborne 10, the first of our Club Championship races. This is an undulating 10-mile road route starting at 10am from Milborne St Andrews, 8 miles SW of Blandford Forum on the A354. Map of Route.
If you intend to run this event, please either comment on the recent post on FaceBook or contact me directly so that we have an idea of numbers. If you’re not able to run but are happy to come along to support/marshal, then please let me know. More details will be posted on the club FaceBook page.
Sunday Social Runs
We are looking to put on regular Sunday Social Runs, they will be informal group social runs, mainly on trail and of around 8-12 miles, there maybe longer runs but in this case a shorter version will normally be available. Runs will be organised by different people each week at various locations, and with potential for a pub lunch after the run. Once set up there will be a list of runs on this website but in the meantime keep an eye on FaceBook for details.
If you are happy to organise a run, please get in touch. We will run in social groups so no need to mark the routes or to provide maps, just pitch up and lead the run. If you’d like to organise a pub lunch to follow, it’s always appreciated but not essential.
Stonehenge Stomp
We usually get a good number of Dorset Doddlers and Run Blandford participating in Stonehenge Stomp on Sunday 30th January. The event offers distances of 10km, 20km, 30km and 40km on the ancient trails around Stonehenge. Everyone is welcome to attend, including runners, walkers, families, dogs are also welcome on leads. Entries are limited and there are no entries on the day this year. Website
Shaftesbury Hill Sessions every Tuesday at 18:45
Meet in the top car park by the Kings Arms SP7 8JX at 18:40 for a 18:45 start. Paul Russell will be leading these sessions and usually posts details on FB each week, so please comment on FB or contact Paul directly if you have any questions about this session.
Thursday Club Training from Sturfit, Sturminster Newton
Meeting at 18:45 for a 19:00 start. These coached sessions are led by Ian, Paul, or Shams, including a variety of focused training sessions to improve your running technique and fitness. These sessions are suitable for all levels from the novice runner to the grizzled veterans, whether you’re running at a steady pace or setting speed records. Come along and benefit from the vast experience of our coaching team, or just to catch up with your running buddies.
Changing facilities and showers are available in Sturfit until 20:45.
Please see more details of our training sessions on the club website.
Couch To 5k
We are currently offering a friendly but structured Couch to 5k training program for those who would like to start running but are not ready to join the regular training sessions. Our friendly coaches will support you in your journey every step of the way.
Our next course begins Monday 10th January 2022. Due to limited numbers registration is required. To register or for more information please email [email protected]
For more details of our C25k courses, check out the club website Couch To 5k.
Club Championship Races for 2022
The list of races for this year’s club championship, together with details of how this annual league works can be found in the Results section of the club website.
The first race is on Sunday 9th Jan as detailed above, followed by Sika 10k on 13th Feb in Wareham. There are 12 organised races, 3 of which are internal club races (Milborne 10, Broad Oak Hilly and Stur 5) and 9 are external races for which you are responsible for entering. To qualify you need to complete at least 5 of the listed races, including your best 5k race (including Parkrun) and your best marathon race completed during the period to Sun 4th Dec 2022.
Dorset Road Race League
Your club needs you, The Dorset Road Race League fixtures for 2022 have been announced and we need as many of you as possible to enter to earn points for the club. Well done to all Doddlers who ran the Broadstone Quarter on the 1st of January, a great effort on the first day of the year.
A full list of fixtures can be found on the DRRL website.
Club Updates
Please check out our website for club updates, especially over the coming few months as events, social runs and other news will be posted here, in addition to our club FaceBook page. You don’t have to be an active member of Facebook, but it is worth checking the club page for notifications, reminders, and posts from our members.
And finally, don’t forget to join the Dorset Doddlers club group on Strava. It’s not essential but it’s a good way to see what fellow club members are up to, you’ll be ranked in the leader boards and can see how you fair on segments frequently run be members.
Any questions, please ask any member of the committee and they’ll be happy to answer or point you in the right direction.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Doddler Update 14th December 2021
Hello Doddlers
Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you all.
This Thursday 16th December is Christmas Cracker training, there will be chocolate! Meet at Sturfit 1845 for a 1900 start. Come along and don’t forget your Santa hat.
Sunday the 19th December Jane is organising a Christmas run from Cerne Abbas 1030 start. Approx 12 miles. Lunch after at The Royal Oak, 1330. Please let Jane ([email protected]) know if you’d like to join the run and whether you’d like to eat. There will be a shorter route if anyone wants to walk.
Tuesday the 21st December is the last Shaftesbury Hill session before Christmas there will be the option for a Christmas Indian afterwards please let Paul Know if you want to eat ([email protected]) .
The Christmas Party and awards ceremony was held on Saturday at the Coppleridege, a good time was had by all. A huge thank you to Ruth Readman for all her hard work and dedication in organising the night.
Club Championship results were as Follows
1st Lady Flora Brooke2nd Lady Jane Ward3rd Lady Siobahn McFeely
1st Men’s Dave Jackson and Nick Brooke (tied)3rd Men’s Michael Peters
Keith Vine Handicap Trophy
1st Lady Jane Ward2nd Lady Jill Watson3rd Lady Victoria West
1st Men’s Neil Cranidge2nd Men’s Nick Summons3rd Men’s Dave Jackson
Well done to all.
Chairmans Award
2021 saw the inaugural award of the Chairman’s award presented at the chairman’s discretion to the Doddler who has made an outstanding contribution to the club. A wonderful shield crafted from a single piece of wood by our very own Matt Clayton was presented this year to Paul Russell. I can think of no one else more deserving , Paul does all the clubs media releases, takes Tuesday Shaftesbury hill sessions, is race director for the Stur 5, John Deacon Handicap, Wessex Ridgeway relay, runs the couch to 5K sessions and to top all that qualified as an EA coach in running fitness this year. Truly deserved, thank you for all your efforts Paul.
The last award of the year was the Dodo Award for the Doddler who had made the biggest blunder of the year, I was proud to win the award for my failure to attend a single club race, AGM and only one committee meeting in person in my two year tenure.
It was an honour and a pleasure to be your chairman, thank you to everyone who helped out over the past two years. Please give Jane your full support as the club moves forward, I’m sure she will ensure that the Doddlers remain Dorset’s best running club.
Safe Doddling
For more detailed information regarding England Athletics Covid Guidelines, please clink on the link below: